Page 546 - WhyAsInY
P. 546

Why (as in yaverbaum)
and I, although technically not newlyweds, were de facto newlyweds; I have no idea how I could get her to watch a baseball game now. Pro football on a lazy Sunday, I must admit, is another story.) Anyway, David came running up the stairs, came into the room, and very earnestly told us that the game would not be played.
“There’s been an earthquake in San Francisco!”
“Oh, David. Are you studying earthquakes in school?”
“No. There’s really an earthquake, and the game won’t be played.” “David, come on. It can’t be.
“But it is. There’s an earthquake in San Francisco!”
“Come on, David. Where’d you get that story?”
“On TV downstairs.”
“Okay, David. Let’s turn on the TV.”
“Okay. You’ll see.”
And, as most of you know, “Okay. You’ll see” was the right answer. It
was, for those of you who do not follow either baseball or natural disas- ters, 7.1 on the Richter scale, and Curt Gowdy was very seriously reporting the horror of the event to the extent that he knew it. “Oops. Sorry, Dave.”
Beyond those two moments, what I recall about 7 Longview are visits from and with Kathy’s and the kids’ friends, who would, unfortu- nately, be lost in the move (David’s friends Michael McNabb, who visited us in Scarsdale once or twice and ended up going to Harvard, and Sal Sorcasi (sp.?), who sported a rat-tail haircut and whom I delighted in referring to as “my pal Sal”; Dan’s friend Josh Lustig, who was about eight feet tall and growing; and Kathy’s friends Kay Lustig, Josh’s mom, and Dale Darling, who I’ll just say was most interesting); being amazed by Dan’s athleticism and prowess as I watched him decisively win a race in the street, overpowering a herd of his friends; David’s incredible humor, even then, and his propensity to really read books (also, even then); throwing a ball around with both boys in the backyard; commut- ing to and from Penn Station on the LIR, formerly the LIRR; Rachel visiting us and “assisting” Kathy at the A&P and going with Kathy so that Kathy could help her pick out her dress for our wedding; Peter
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