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Chapter Thirty-One
Coming Home?
MAY 29, 1997 – AUGUST 29, 2008
In which our author tests the truth of an old adage.
In the First Place
And that meant, believe or not, yet another eleven years of practicing law. Boring! Especially to you, dear reader. Now, I know that detailed descriptions of the practice of law can’t possibly continue to be of inter- est, assuming, of course, that they were of any interest in the first place. So, here I am, back in my first place of employment (if you don’t count summer jobs), and I will attempt to compress my account of the next eleven years of practice as much as possible (but, as you know by now, less than someone else might).
These were years during which I became the first attorney in the history of Rosenman to be offered a partnership interest on three— count them, three—separate occasions and during which Rosenman ceased to be Rosenman for me—and ceased to be Rosenman per se. These were also years during which I had palpable reminders of the elements of big firm practice that were distasteful to me and reminders of those that I believe to have been of real value. Finally, these were years during which I set a firm date for my retirement—and found out that I could hardly have picked a better one.
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