Page 29 - 2023 TMPAA Mid-Year Program Book
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                                The TMPAA and the research team at Zywave need your participation in the 2023 State of
                                 Program Business Study. Since 2011, this study has been a nationally recognized source
                                 of information about the program business segment of the insurance industry. It is designed
                                 to provide data about the size and dynamics of the marketplace and explores topics that can
                                 deliver valuable insights to assist with your future program business planning.
                                The survey data you submit goes directly to Zywave to ensure the confidentiality and anonymity
                                 of responses. Here are some areas covered in the 2023 survey:

               • Gross written premiums for   • Average premium per   • Percentage of your Gross   • Percentage of your insureds
                programs administered    account                  Revenue that is contingent   purchase cyber insurance
               • Percentage of policy count   • Use a Lloyd’s syndicate   Income         • Is insurance technology
                renewed                  for any of your program   • Approximate split of your   causing you to consider a
               • Rates changes in your book   business            firm’s 2022 overall expenses  change in distribution?
                of business over the past   • Plan to change program   • Do you “risk share” in your   • Has your workforce
                two years                carriers within 12 months  programs?             remained remote?
               • Average commission by line   • Any change to program   • Percent of admitted vs.   • What other, if any, emerging
                of business              carrier in the past three   non-admitted programs   risks do you believe are
               • Program Administration   years                  • Use of Fronting vs Traditional   suitable for program
                revenues                • Reason for program carrier   carriers           business and why?
               • Average contingent/profit   changes in the past three   • Hard insurance market   • What in your view are
                sharing payment          years                    impacts on your book of   strengths/weaknesses/
               • Number of new programs   • Program administration profit   business       threats for program business
                introduced in the previous   margin including/excluding   • Have any of your programs   today?
                24 months                contingent income        experienced a reduction in
               • Number of new programs                           capacity?
                you are planning to            The results will be presented at the 23rd Annual Summit.
                introduce in the next 24
                months                Companion surveys for Carriers and Service Providers will also be
                                        sought. All survey participants are entitled to the full study results.
                                           Contact Ray Scotto,, for more
                                          information. Scan the QR code to preview the full survey!


                              23  Annual Summit  |  October 16-18, 2023
                                          Westin Kierland Resort | Scottsdale, AZ
                        SAVE the DATE!

                                                                      Registration opens in June.

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