Page 17 - TMPAA_2023_Program Business Study SUMMARY
P. 17

The TMPAA State of Program Business Study 2023

                          Delivery of services

                          varies materially by

                          size of administrator

                                      Services that tend to be offered in-house
                                         across all administrator size brackets

                      Strategic                 Policy                      Marketing
                      Alignment                 Issuance

                                   Rating                    Data                       Online
                                   & Issuing Software        Analytics                  Platform

                           Actuarial                                              Claims administration
                                                                                  and safety & loss
                            services                                              prevention services

                           Tend to either offer the                     Tend to be delivered either
                          service in-house or use a                     in-house or using a
                           combination of options                       combination of mechanisms
                                                        Larger Firms

                          Typically deliver through                     Delivered either in-house,
                       a combination of options or                      outsourced to a third party
                     through a third-party provider                     or provided by a carrier
                                                       Mid-sized Firms

                                    Tend to rely on                     Tends to be provided by
                                       their carriers                   carriers or outsourced

                                                       Smaller Firms

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