Page 7 - TMPAA_2023_Program Business Study SUMMARY
P. 7

The TMPAA State of Program Business Study 2023

            Businesses of all sizes responded to this year’s survey. Respondents were segmented into three roughly equal-sized
            groups based on premium volume. The smaller companies are those with gross premiums of up to $20 million. The
            mid-sized firms are those with gross premiums of between $20 million and $75 million, while the larger companies have
            gross premiums of more than $75 million. A comparative analysis of these group’s practices and views was conducted
            to provide further insight into the various survey topics. Significant differences were also highlighted between the larger
            and smaller program administrators.

            In the study, profit margin is calculated as net income (including contingents) as a percentage of revenue, while average
            revenue is defined as the average of the middle of the revenue ranges provided by each respondent.

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