Page 5 - 23rd Annual Program Book
P. 5

3411 Silverside Road, Baynard Building, Suite 100, Wilmington, DE 19810


                   Welcome to the 23rd Annual TMPAA Summit!

                   After a record mid-year meeting in Boston, it’s wonderful to be back together in Scottsdale
                   for what promises to be an exciting few days. This conference provides exceptional speakers,
                   timely presentations, and most importantly, your fellow industry colleagues and friends. At its
                   core, Target Markets is about personal connection and knowledge growth. This meeting will not
                   disappoint on either score.
                   One highlight of the conference will be the Program Business Study results presentation. The
                   TMPAA’s Study has become the gold standard in the industry, providing information around the
                   size and scope of the program space. We are pleased to present a panel of industry experts to
                   discuss the study findings. This important session takes place on Monday afternoon; you will not
                   want to miss it.

                   Monday’s agenda continues with an absolute favorite at Target Markets: VJ Dowling. VJ will present
                   an insurance marketplace update and discuss the future of M&A in our industry. His information
                   is always fascinating, and his delivery never disappoints. Make sure to attend.
                   On Tuesday morning we are delighted to present best-selling author, Walter Isaacson. Over a
                   two-year period, Isaacson shadowed Elon Musk, attending his meetings, and researching all
                   aspects of his life. During his talk, Isaacson will provide us with an intimate look at Musk, one
                   of the world’s greatest entrepreneurs and certainly a controversial figure. The presentation
                   promises to both inform and inspire.

                   Additional sessions to attend include workshops on finding and developing talent, reinsurance
                   placements, and the emergence of ChatGPT and other innovations. All three of these discussions
                   will cover information critical to our business and will be presented by top industry experts.
                   Most importantly, enjoy the next few days as you interact with old and new friends. Program
                   Business, at its core, is about personal relationships. No one does a better job of fostering those
                   relationships than Target Markets. You are here to connect, so enjoy!

                   John Colis

                   John Colis
                   TMPAA Advisory Board President
                   President and CEO, Euclid Insurance Services, Inc.

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