Page 4 - 22nd Annual Summit program book
P. 4

3411 Silverside Road, Baynard Building, Suite 100, Wilmington, DE 19810


                 Welcome to Scottsdale and our 22nd Annual Summit!

                 After a successful Mid-Year Meeting in Boston, we are delighted to be back in Scottsdale for a record setting
                 Annual Summit. The excitement in the program space continues to build, and our turnout for this meeting
                 tells the story. As I write this letter, we have over 1100 program professionals attending the Summit with
                 more signing up every day. Target Markets now has more than 600 total members including 370+ program
                 administrators, 80 carriers and 150 service providers. Our membership has never been so robust.
                 Our Summit in Scottsdale is always a favorite, both in terms of venue as well as the quality speakers we
                 attract – and this year is no exception. The highlight on Monday will be industry speaker, David Howden,
                 the well-known founder and CEO of Howden Group. David’s success over the years is renowned and he is
                 known for his keen insights and thoughts. We are fortunate to have him lead off the conference.

                 On Tuesday, we are thrilled that Earvin “Magic” Johnson will be our Keynote Speaker. Johnson needs no
                 introduction to our members. His prowess on the basketball court is legendary and is complimented by his
                 accomplishments as an entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is known as an excellent speaker so don’t
                 miss what will undoubtedly be a special session.
                 On Wednesday, our focus will turn to the economy, a subject front and center in today’s news. Coming out
                 of the pandemic we have watched inflation surge, equities plunge, and interest rates on the rise. We are
                 delighted that Ron Insana, CNBC Senior Analyst and Commentator, will be offering his insights and answering
                 members questions, helping us to make sense of it all. Don’t miss this timely presentation.

                 In addition to these speakers, we have some excellent presentations on tap. You will not want to miss
                 Monday’s Mergers, Acquisitions and Valuation presentation featuring a panel of M&A experts. A workshop
                 on constructing Equity Vehicles to attract key employees and a talk discussing the consequences of our
                 political culture on the insurance industry round out our offerings on Tuesday.
                 All in all, this lineup of presentations is sure to add value. Most important, however, will be the relationships
                 that will be refreshed and built over the next few days. At its heart, TM is about personal connection.
                 We hope that you will take full advantage of the Target Markets experience. It will not disappoint!

                 Again, welcome to Scottsdale and our Annual Summit.  It’s good to be together again!

                 John Colis

                 John Colis
                 TMPAA Advisory Board President
                 President and CEO, Euclid Insurance Services, Inc.

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