Page 42 - 22nd Annual Summit program book
P. 42


                                    Ray Scotto,                                            Susanne Braconnier,
                                    Executive Director                                     Director of Convention and

                                                        Accounting Services
                                    Ray Scotto has been involved                           susanne.braconnier@
                                    with Target Markets since                    
                                    attending the first Summit in                          Prior to joining Target
                                    October 2001. He was hired                             Markets, Susanne worked
                                    as the Executive Director of                           as an underwriting assistant
                                    the Association in January                             for the EPLI department
                                    2002. Ray was instrumental                             of Rockwood Programs.
        in the development and implementation of several Association   Previous industry experience includes State Farm Insurance
        initiatives including the commercial website, Target Programs,   Fire and Auto Claims, Marine Midland Bank Commercial
        the Program Administrator Best Practice Designation,   Finance Division and AIG’s Payroll Marketing Department.
        Target University, and TMPAA Charities. Ray’s management   Susanne has been with Target Markets since January 2002.
        experience was gained in the public sector, serving as
        the administrator of a child abuse investigation unit in SE                        Sarah Ayars,
        Pennsylvania for 22 years. He has also worked as an adjunct                        Director of Marketing
        professor at West Chester University, PA. Ray holds a Masters                      Communications
        Degree in Social Work.
                                    Monica Elischer,
                                    Director of Membership                                 Sarah Ayars is responsible
                                    Development                                            for Target Programs including
                                                                                           electronic marketing, Outlet
                                                                   Center development and
                                                                                           member support. She also
                                    Monica has been involved   carries out Association marketing initiatives, website/app
                                    with the TMPAA since 2010   development and maintains a social media presence. Sarah
                                    and heads up all aspects   joined the Target Markets staff in June 2010. Previously, she
                                    of membership for the      was Communications Coordinator for Performance Marketing
                                    group including prospecting,   where she implemented marketing strategies for clients in
        onboarding, and retention. She also overseas Target University,   a wide range of industries. She has a bachelor’s degree in
        is integral in member branding and works closely with all   Advertising/Public Relations from Penn State University.
        members of the group. She holds a bachelors degree in
        Marketing/Public Relations from Syracuse University.                               Susan Allen,
                                                                                           Director of Insurance
                                    Merrie Goodlander,                                     Services and Education
                                    Marketing Coordinator
                                                                                           Susan joined Target Markets
                                    Merrie is responsible for                              in December 2021 with
                                    assisting in marketing and                             20 years of global P&C
                                    membership efforts for                                 experience. Prior to joining
                                    the association. Prior to                              TMPAA, Susan was Head
                                    joining TMPAA in 2019,     of Business Development at Transverse Insurance Group
                                    she worked as a private    and IAT Insurance Group. She also oversaw the integration of
        consultant specializing in small businesses. Her work has   product, actuary, and IT as the VP of Product Design at Hanover
        focused on web design, social media marketing, branding,   Insurance Group. Susan strengthened her underwriting and
        and eCommerce. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Marketing   business acumen within both field and corporate environments
        from the Haub School of Business at Saint Joseph’s University.  at Travelers. She holds a BA in English from the University of
                                                               California Berkeley.
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