Page 10 - 21 Summit Program Book
P. 10
Keynote Speaker:
Carla Harris
Tuesday, October 19 | 8:30 AM | Lower Level, Herberger Ballroom
The Pearls of Intentional Leadership
Changes in technology, how people live and work, will require new
innovations in the insurance industry developing products that allow
business and industry to take risk.
Creating an environment for this innovation demands a very different
type of leadership. Gone are the days of the autocratic type leadership
style that has been characteristic of producer cultures. In producer
cultures, like financial services, a person could ascend to a leadership
seat because they were the best equity trader, the insurance broker
with the highest sales numbers or an M&A banker with the most
revenues by their name, without any thought as to whether they could
motivate and inspire people to maximize their potential. Interestingly
enough, however, we are in an environment where motivational,
inspirational, inclusive leadership is what is required to attract and
Where Program Business Gets Done Intentional Leadership are: Authenticity, Building Trust, Creating Clarity,
retain the best talent in the market today, to spur innovation, and to
build client trust. This type of leadership does not just happen, you
must be INTENTIONAL if you want to be a powerful, impactful,
influential leader in today’s challenging environment. The “pearls” of
Creating Leaders, Diversity, Innovation, Inclusivity, and Voice.
Carla Harris will connect these important lessons to innovations that
are happening in the Insurance Industry, explore how clients are now
thinking about Risk, and discuss the type of leadership that will be
needed to prosper.
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