Page 29 - 2024 Mid Year Program Book
P. 29


          One goal of the TMPAA is to promote excellence           •  Underwriting Procedures: Examine the
          among program administrators. A fundamental                effectiveness and efficiency of underwriting
          aspect of this involves implementing a uniform             processes.
          protocol and criteria to assess the business operations   •  Underwriting Results: Analyze the outcomes and
          of program administrator members.                          success of your underwriting efforts.
          Program administrators are encouraged to engage        While the TMPAA aims to support every member in
          in a Best Practice self-evaluation, fostering a        achieving excellence, the emphasis is on empowering
          comprehensive review of their current operational      agencies to conduct internal self-audits as a primary
          functionality. This process is crucial for aspiring “best   step. By utilizing the Best Practices Evaluation Tool,
          in class” performance, as it allows agencies to identify   program administrators can gain insights into their
          strengths and areas requiring improvement.             business’s strengths and weaknesses, paving the way
          To facilitate this self-assessment, TMPAA provides the   for enhanced efficiency and overall excellence. Access
          Best Practices Evaluation Tool, an invaluable resource   the tool on the TMPAA website and embark on the
          for members. The tool covers various critical areas of   journey to elevate your program business operation
          business operations, including:                        to “best in class” status.
            •  Management Performance: Evaluate the
              effectiveness of your management practices.
            •  Human Resources: Assess the efficiency and
              alignment of human resource strategies.
            •  Technology: Gauge the technological infrastructure    Best Practice Designation
              and its impact on operations.
                                                                            HALL  OF  FAM E

             From 2011 to 2023, the TMPAA conducted onsite Best Practice Evaluations for members interested in attaining the Association’s Best Practice
             Designation. In addition to the initial audit, a follow up evaluation was required every 3 years to maintain the designation.
             The companies below represent program administrator members with active designations. The designation process was discontinued in the
             beginning of 2024 in favor of offering the current self-assessment opportunity for all program administrator members.

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