Page 37 - 2024 Mid Year Program Book
P. 37


                              Ray Scotto                                            Sarah Ayars
                              Executive Director                                    Director of Operations and Marketing
                              Ray Scotto has been involved with                     Sarah oversees Association event
                             Target Markets since attending the                     management, day-to-day operations,
                              first Summit in October 2001. He was                  and manages all marketing activities
                              hired as the Executive Director of the                supporting membership, meetings,
                             Association in January 2002. Ray was                   products, and programs. Sarah joined
                              instrumental in the development and                   the Target Markets staff in June 2010.
                              implementation of several Association                 Previously, she was Communications
          initiatives including the commercial website, Target Programs,   Coordinator for Performance Marketing where she implemented
          the Program Administrator Best Practice Designation,   marketing strategies for clients in a wide range of industries.
          Target University, and TMPAA Charities. Ray’s management   She has a bachelor’s degree in Advertising/Public Relations
          experience was gained in the public sector, serving as the   from The Pennsylvania State University.
          administrator of a child abuse investigation unit in SE
          Pennsylvania for 22 years. He has also worked as an adjunct               Merrie Goodlander
          professor at West Chester University, PA. Ray holds a Masters             Assistant Director of Marketing
          Degree in Social Work.                                                    Communications
                              Gene Abbey
                              Director of Insurance Services                        Merrie is responsible for assisting in
                                                                                    marketing and membership efforts
                              and Education                                         for the association. Prior to joining
                                                 TMPAA in 2019, she worked as a
                              Gene Abbey, MSRI, MBA has spent                       private consultant specializing in small
                              nearly 30 years as a P&C insurance                    businesses. Her work has focused on
                              professional with expertise in multi-  web design, social media marketing, branding, and eCommerce.
                              line commercial coverages and risk   She holds a bachelor’s degree in Marketing from the Haub
                              management solutions. Additionally, his   School of Business at Saint Joseph’s University.
                              experience for the last 20 years has been
          with specialty programs, fronting, captives, and alternative risk         Nina DiSabella
          solutions. Gene has served in leadership positions for insurance          Marketing Coordinator
          carriers, program administrators, and service providers. During 
          his career, Gene has held roles in several industry disciplines
          including Business Development, Underwriting, Risk Control,               Nina is a graduate from Saint Joseph’s
          Claims, Regulatory Compliance, Technology, Distribution,                  University (2023) with a Bachelor
          Operations, and Strategy. Most recently, Gene earned his Master of        of Arts in English and a minor in
          Risk and Insurance (MSRI) from Butler University and his Master           marketing. She joined the TMPAA team
          of Business Administration (MBA) from Cleary University. He also          in August of 2023 as their Marketing
          holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy & Psychology from           Coordinator and works primarily on
          Lycoming College.                                                         the association’s digital marketing.
                                                                                    Krista Hardy
                              Susanne Braconnier                                    Membership Development Specialist
                              Director of Convention and
                             Accounting Services                          
                                         Krista’s focus is on membership
                                                                                    development, assisting members and
                              Prior to joining Target Markets,                      prospects with the myriad of TMPAA
                              Susanne worked as an underwriting                     resources. Previously, she worked in
                              assistant for the EPLI department                     healthcare as a Community Coordinator
                              of Rockwood Programs. Previous                        with a focus in Hospice and Home
                              industry experience includes State                    Care, building relationships within the
                              Farm Insurance Fire and Auto Claims,   community to foster a better understanding of what tools and
          Marine Midland Bank Commercial Finance Division and AIG’s   resources are available to people in need. Krista has a Master of
          Payroll Marketing Department. Susanne has been with Target   Business Administration degree from Strayer University.
          Markets since January 2002.

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