Page 4 - TGAS-AnnualFundMailer
P. 4

 TGAS Launches new chapter in Minneapolis, MN
The Sedars family was staying at the RMH Dallas, as their daughter, Norah, was recovering from a surgery. TGAS hosted a Give Love Valentine’s Day themed outreach that Norah was able to participate in. Towards the end of the activity, Norah walked up to all the TGAS volunteers and handed them a Valentine’s day card that she had made. Each of the volunteers showed their appreciation and were
engaged, present and made
her feel like she was the
only one in the room.
Deb would later share how that evening touched their daughters’ heart.
“Asamother,itisashotinthehearttohearand see your daughter struggle with the way they see themselves. To know that there is nothing you can do to take the pain they are experiencing away. As parents, we fight so hard for a smile. But look at this
picture. That is the impact you make! You warm a mama’s heart seeing her hurting
daughter smile. When you serve a meal, talk with the families, play with kids or even just refill their drinks it helps, it heals, it shows
love that may have been the only time they had felt it all day. Everything you all do makes
a difference. You help families get through one more day. Thank you for sacrificing your
time to show families love.”
TGAS volunteers with Norah at Feb 2017 Outreach event

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