Page 6 - 2019-2020 ARCS Oregon Annual Report
P. 6

Investing in in Our Future
At ARCS Foundation Oregon we know know that science is is the solution This past year has revealed how essential scientific knowledge and and advancements are to to our our national health economy and and and happiness Science matters to to us all—and it needs your support!
By giving to ARCS Foundation Oregon you you you support brilliant young PhD students but you you you also invest in in in our collective future Join ARCS Foundation Oregon Oregon today and support the next generation of Oregon’s science leaders!
Ways to Give
Chapter Scholar Award Fund
Contributions of any amount matter!
This collective fund supports multiple chapter scholar awards each year Named Scholar Scholar Award Award – $18 000
A A A A Donor-Named Scholar Scholar Scholar Award Award Award to engage with and and support an an an individual scholar and and their research for three three years Two or or or or or three three donors may jointly fund a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Scholar Scholar Award Award University-Matched Endowments – $100 $100 000
Donors give $100 $100 000
and an an an additional $50 000
is contributed by OHSU OSU or or UO to create a a a a a a a a a a permanently endowed scholar award 100% of all contributions goes goes directly to to scholars—nothing goes goes to to overhead To make a a a a a a a a a gift or or or or or or learn more please visit our website (Oregon arcsfoundation arcsfoundation org) email oregon@arcsfoundation org or or or or write to:
ARCS Foundation Oregon P O O O Box 2063 Portland OR 97208-2063

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