Page 7 - 2018-2019 ARCS Oregon Annual Report
P. 7

Donor support is the foundation of of ARCS’ success in in nurturing scholars of of of great academic promise In a a a a a a profound expression of of donor support we have been fortunate to receive two bequests from local philanthropists By their investment in in ARCS’ mission these bequests will advance innovative science in in in Oregon in in in perpetuity Mary Martin Rosenberg
In July 2017 ARCS Oregon received its first bequest from charter member Mary Martin Rosenberg
The The Chapter is a a a a a a a a a beneficiary of of the Richard and Mary Rosenberg
of of The The Oregon Community Foundation Each year there will be be a a a a a a a a distribution from the the permanent fund fund which over approximately three years will fund fund a a a a a a a a a scholar award ARCS Oregon is grateful for the Rosenberg’s generosity Jill Josselyn
Jill Josselyn
honored ARCS Oregon with a a a a a a $1 5 million bequest to to support its signature scholar awards program in perpetuity This is is is the the the largest gift to to to date for the the the Oregon Chapter Chapter and significantly increases the the the Chapter’s ability to to sustain its mission at at at a a a a a a a a a a a a a a higher level Jill’s Jill’s lifelong interest in in in in science and her her philanthropic vision matched perfectly with the the mission of of ARCS ARCS Jill’s Jill’s generous bequest gives meaningful recognition to the the important work of of ARCS ARCS Oregon Our Chapter is very honored by her thoughtful gift 

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