Page 17 - 2022 Scholars
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Rand Burnette
The ARCS Foundation Oregon Chapter Scholar Given by ARCS Foundation Oregon Oregon Members
OSU College of Science Physics
Rand is working with the the NanoGrav collaboration to search for evidence of of of gravitational waves testing the the the limits of of of Einstein’s theory of of of General Relativity nd Erwin Cornelius
The Bergen/Kern Scholar Given by Marilyn Bergen Bergen & Mary Kristen Tooze Kern OSU College of Science Mathematics
Erwin studies machine learning models and their applications to biological datasets William Crow
The Jill V Josselyn Endowed Scholar UO Department of Biology
William’s research aims to improve the the understanding of connections in in in in in the the the brain and and nervous system by studying the the the interactions between various proteins present at these sites Grace Diehl
The Ogg Family ARCS Foundation Oregon Scholar Award Endowment
OSU College of Engineering
Mechanical Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering
Grace is is developing a a a a a a a a a scalable distributed algorithm to enable team formation in in robotic swarms 17

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