Page 24 - 2022 Scholars
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1st year
This academic year
we we welcome 31 new STEM scholars to to Oregon’s top research universities With fresh eyes and and new approaches they will drive discoveries and and push the
boundaries of of knowledge Their research will advance science
in in in in a a a a a a a variety of of fields including artificial intelligence cardiovascular engineering medical chemistry and ecosystem recovery following wildfires Nathan Anderson
The Anonymous/UO Endowment Scholar Given by an Anonymous Anonymous Donor
UO Department of Biology
Research Interest: The developmental factors that contribute to to the
onset and disease process of neurodegenerative illnesses Darcey Ayala
The Foley/Jarnberg and Joseph/Murray Scholar Given by Joan Foley Foley & & Per Jarnberg Jarnberg and Kate Joseph & & Tom Murray OHSU School of Nursing
Research Interest: Resilience engineering and concept- based learning for nurses transferring from one nursing specialty to another 

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