Page 26 - 2022 Scholars
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Kristen Goebel
The Marie Marie Lamfrom Lamfrom Charitable Charitable Foundation Foundation Scholar Given by the Marie Marie Lamfrom Lamfrom Charitable Charitable Foundation Foundation OSU College of Engineering Computer Science
Research Interest: Applications of artificial intelligence Krista Harrington
The ARCS ARCS Foundation Foundation Oregon Oregon Chapter Scholar Given by ARCS ARCS Foundation Foundation Oregon Oregon Members
OSU College of Agricultural Sciences Sciences Fisheries Wildlife & Conservation Sciences Sciences Research Interest: Political ecology fisheries climate resilience water resource management food systems Mackenzie Kawahara
The Jill V Josselyn Endowed Scholar OSU College of Science
Research Interest: Coral reef microbiology Hayley Kuhn
The Vaux Vaux Scholar Given by Missy Vaux Vaux Hall
OHSU School of Medicine
Research Interest: Maladaptive behaviors related to addiction and other neurological diseases 26
Jacqueline Laddusaw
The Mary Martin
Rosenberg Endowed Scholar OSU College of Science
Research Interest: Computational and and organic chemistry chemistry including green chemistry chemistry and and pharmaceuticals 

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