Page 125 - Adopt-a-School Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
P. 125

CURiCUla aND          SoCial          aDDiTioNal      FUTURE NEEDS.
              Co-CURRiCUla          WElFaRE         RESoURCES

                                  Sanitation                     Infrastructure: An administration facility, a science laboratory, a library, a
                                  and hygiene                    computer laboratory, 10 classrooms, renovation of the school, an ablution
                                  programmes                     facility, a feeding scheme kitchen, sports facility and fencing
           Mathematics and Physical   Pilot programme            Curricula and Co-Curricula: Mathematics and english  educator development
           science online programme
                                  for alternative                programmes, science resources and  physical science educator development
                                  protection                     programme, Library books and librarian training, ICT programme and sports
                                  methods                        resources

                                                                 Leadership: Strategic planning, leadership, governance and teambuilding
                                                                 Infrastructure: An ablution facility, renovation of 22 classrooms, a grade R
                                                                 facility, four classrooms, an administration facility, a science laboratory,  a
                                                                 library, a computer laboratory, a music and arts centre, a school hall, a feeding
                                  Visual support   Library books  scheme kitchen, sports facility and fencing
                                  programme                      Curricula and Co-Curricula: Grade R resources and Grade R educator
                                                                 development programmes, language and literacy and  mathematics educator
                                                                 development programme, science resources and natural sciences educator
                                                                 development programme, ICT programme, ibrary books and librarian training
                                                                 and Career Guidance programme
                                                                 Social Welfare: Life Skills programme

                                                                 Infrastructure: Renovation  of the school, an ablution facility, a computer
                                  Sanitation                     laboratory, conversion of one classroom into a library, a feeding scheme
                                  and hygiene                    kitchen, sports facility and fencing
           Mathematics and Physical   Pilot programme            Curricula and Co-Curricula: Educator development and classroom based support
           science online programme                              progarmmes in mathematics and physical science, science resources, Career
                                  for alternative                Guidance programme, Library books and librarian training, ICT programme and
                                  protection                     sports resources
                                                                 Social Welfare: Life Skills programme

                                                                 Infrastructure: Renovation and electrification of 9 classrooms, a Grade R facility,
                                                                 4 classrooms, an administration facility, a science laboratory, a  library, an
                                                                 ablution facility, a computer laboratory, a music and art centre, sports  facility
                                                                 and fencing
                                  Visual support   Library books  Curricula and Co-Curricula: educator development programmes in mathematics
                                  programme                      and language and literacy, science resources and natural science educator
                                                                 development programme, grade R resources  and Grade R educator
                                                                 development programme, science resources, Library books and librarian
                                                                 training, ICT programme and sports resources
                                                                 Social Welfare: Life Skills programme

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