Page 35 - Adopt-a-School Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
P. 35

whole school development in mpumAlAngA

          In March 2017, Adopt-a-School Foundation celebrated a five year investment with the Industrial Development Corporation in
          three schools in Mpumalanga.  The event was hosted in partnership with the national Department of Basic Education.
          Makhosana Manzini High School           Lehlasedi High School                   Mapaleni Primary School
          Makhosana Manzini is situated in the rural   Lehlasedi High School, a rural school near   In 2015 the IDC adopted Mapaleni Primary
          village of Calcutte.  Over the past five   Bushbuckridge, has also benefitted from the   School, the feeder school to Makhosana
          years science and computer laboratories   construction of a science laboratory, six new   Manzini. To date, they have built a library
          have been renovated, ablution facilities   classrooms and the implementation of a   and renovated an ICT centre and rolled out
          revamped and a new administration       range of support and training programmes   development and support programmes,
          facility built.  A range of leadership and   for both learners and educators.   including a programme supporting Grade 4
          educator development programmes have                                            to 7 learners with learning barriers.
          been conducted as well as learner support                 31
          initiatives.                               Educators developed in Mathematics                     793
                                                                and Science                        Eyesight tests conducted
          The matric pass rate has improved from                    5                                       39
          53.8% in 2012 to 82.5% in 2016.
                                                        Maths and science distinctions         Learners provided with spectacles
                                                                 achieved                                   482
                           10                                       51                         Learners benefitted from literacy
             Science and Mathematics educators            Bachelor passes obtained                      programmes
                        developed                                   45                                      16
                           45                        Temporary job opportunities created     Temporary job opportunities created
            Temporary job opportunities created
           Improvement in matric results between
                      2012 and 2016
                                                   This partnership has created the space for meaningful collaborative investment.  In
                                                    2016, the Nelson Mandela Foundation provided library books for Mapaleni’s new
                                                                  library as part of the Mandela Day Library Initiative.
                                                    The new ICT centres at both schools were implemented in partnership with Wipro
                                                     Technologies, who made a significant contribution of software and hardware for
                                                                                   the facilities.
               “The progress made by Adopt-
               a-School Foundation, in
               uplifting marginalised learners
               deserves recognition.  The
               quality of our schools and other
               educational institutions is at
               the heart of our commitment
               to our children’s future.”
               –Angie Motshekga, Minister of
               Basic Education.

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