Page 55 - Adopt-a-School Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
P. 55
Mathematics and
Physical Science online
development programme
Mathematics educator Infrastructure: Administration facility renovations, Computer laboratory
and learner development Sanitation Dictionaries renovations, Life Sciences laboratory renovations, a consumer study laboratory
programmes Library books Curricula and Co-Curricula: Remedial and literacy programme for learners with
Science resources and Hygiene School Blazers barriers, ICT Development
and Science educator Textbooks Social Welfare: OVC support programmes
development programme
English educator
development programme
Librarian training
Leadership: Strategic planning, leadership, governance and teambuilding
Infrastructure: A school hall, classrooms, ablution facility renovations, science
Grade R resources and Dictionaries laboratory, library
Grade R Practitioner Library books Curricula and Co-Curricula: Mathematics, Science and Language educator
development programmes, sports resources, science resources, Library books
and librarian training
Social Welfare: Vegetable garden
Infrastructure: Seven classrooms, sports facility, ablution facility renovations,
science laboratory renovations, a feeding scheme kitchen, a library
Career Guidance Curricula and Co-Curricula: Science, Mathematics and Language educator
programme Library books development programmes, science resources, calculators, ICT development,
Office furniture
Study Skills Programme
language and literacy programme, sports resources.
Social Welfare: Vegetable garden, OVC support programmes
Leadership: Strategic planning, leadership, governance and teambuilding
programme, leadership development for LRC
Dictionaries Infrastructure: Sports facility, a school halls, classrooms, a library
Curricula and Co-Curricula: Sports resources, technical resources
Social Welfare: OVC support programmes
Leadership: Strategic planning, leadership, governance and teambuilding
Science resources Infrastructure: Classroom renovations, a library, a feedings scheme kitchen, a
and Science Educator Dictionaries aguard room, an ablution facility
development programme Curricula and Co-Curricula: Counselling and life skills training, library books
and librarian training, mathematics educator development
Social Welfare: OVC support programme.