Page 67 - Adopt-a-School Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
P. 67

CURiCUla aND          SoCial          aDDiTioNal      FUTURE NEEDS.
              Co-CURRiCUla          WElFaRE         RESoURCES

                                                                  Leadership: Strategic planning, leadership, governance and teambuilding
                                                                  Infrastructure:  Palisade fencing, a science laboratory, a computer laboratory,
                                                                  a feeding scheme kitchen, a sports facility, a Grade R facility and renovation of
           OVC support programme                                  classrooms.
           School uniforms
                                                                  Curricula and Co-Curricula:  Educator development programmes in  Grade R,
                                                                  Natural science and language and literacy, science resources, sports resources,
                                                                  Grade R resources, ICT programme
                                                                  Social Welfare:  OVC support programme

                                                                  Infrastructure:  Classrooms,  a science laboratory, a computer laboratory, a
                                                                  library, sports facility, a school hall, palisade fencing,
                                                                  Curricula and Co-Curricula: Library books and librarian training, language
                                  Visual support   Dictionaries   and literacy educator development programme, remedial programme for
                                  programme        Library books
                                                                  learners with learning barriers, science resources and Natural Science educator
                                                                  development aprogramme
                                                                  Social Welfare:  OVC support programme, school uniform, Vegetable garden

                                                                  Leadership:  Strategic planning,leadership,governance and team building
           Library books and librarian                            Infrastructure:  a school hall, palisade fencing, a  Grade R facility,  a library, a
           training                                               science laboratory, sports facilities,
           Language and literacy   Visual support                 Curricula and Co-Curricula:  Educator development programmes in
           programme              programme        Dictionaries   mathematics, Grade R and Natural science, Grade R resources,  science
           Numeracy research proejct                              resources, sports resources, remedial programme for learners with learning
           iSchool Africa youth press                             barriers.
           team programme
                                                                  Social Welfare:  vegetable garden

           Mathematics and physical                               Leadership: Strategic planning, leadership, governance and teambuilding
           science online development   Winter clothing           programme.
           programme              Career Guidance                 Infrastructure: Palisade fenceing, sports facility, a feeding scheme kitchen,
           Science educator                        Dictionaries   Renovation of the library, administration facility, ablution facility and computer
           development and science   programme     Stationary     laboratory
                                  Life Skills
           resources              programme                       Curricula and Co-Curricula: Library books and librarian training, educator
           Library books and librarian                            development in Mathematics, sports resources
           training                                               Social welfare:  OVC support programme

                                  and hygience                    Leadership:  Strategic planning, leadership, governance and teambuilding
                                  programme                       programme
           ICT Teaching resources  Child Protection               Infrastructure:  A computer laboratory, a library. palisade fencing, classrooms, a
           Mathematics educator   campaigns                       ascience laboratory, a Grade R facility and a feeding scheme kitchen.
           development programme  Visual support   Dictionaries   Curricula and Co-Curricula:  Educator development in Grade R, language
                                                   Library books
           Grade R classroom      programme                       and literacy and natural science, Grade R  resources, sports resources, ICT
           management and resources  Food parcels                 programme, Library books and librarian training.
                                  Vegetable garden                Social Welfare:  OVC support programmes
                                  harvesting tank

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