Page 77 - Adopt-a-School Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
P. 77
Accounting and english
educator development
Science resources
and science educator Calculators Infrastructure: A school hall, combination court and renovation of the library
development programme Dictionaries Curricula and Co-Curricula: Remedial and literacy programme for learners with
Refresher course for barriers, Library books and librarian training, ICT programme.
science, accounting, Social Welfare :OVC support programmes
language and literacy
Learner supplementary
Leadership: Strategic planning, governance and teambuilding programme
Infrastructure: A library, a computer laboratory, a science laboratory, a school
hall,a feeding scheme kitchen, paving and renovation of sport facility.
Curricula and Co-Curricula: educator development programmes in mathematics
and Physical Science,
ICT programme, Library books and librarian training, science resources,
remedial programme for learners with learning barriers and
sports resources.
Social welfare: School uniforms.
Leadership: Strategic planning, leadership, governance and team building.
Infrastructure: A science laboratory, a computer laboratory, a Grade R facility, a
combination court, classrooms, a feeding scheme kitchen, a media center.
Library books and librarian Dictionaries Curricula and Co-Curricula: educator development programmes in Grade R,
physical science and mathematics, science resources, ICT programme, Grade R
resources and Grade R educator development programme.
Social Welfare: OVC support programme
Leadership: Strategic planning, leadership, governance and team building.
Infrastructure: a library, a computer laboratory, a science laboratory and
Grade R resources combination court.
and Grade R educator Dictionaries Curricula and Co-Curricula: educator development programme in mathematics
development programme and physical science, ICT programme, science resources, remedial and literacy
programme for learners with barriers, Library books and librarian training.
Social Welfare: OVC support programme
Infrastructure: Classrooms, a school hall
a library, a feeding scheme kitchen, an ablution facility, renovation of
classrooms, a security room, combination court and electrical rewiring
Curricula and Co-Curricula: educator development programmes in language and
School furniture Dictionaries
literacy, mathematics and physical science, computer training, Library books
and librarian training,
science resources and sports resources
Social Welfare: OVC support programme