Page 4 - Michelle Riofrio - Argumentative Graphic Organize_Neat
P. 4
Reason 2 Discrimination at school by teachers. Poor children who have problems cannot learn as
children without limitations.
Supporting Evidence Supporting Evidence Supporting Evidence
“The teacher thought I was stupid. “The teacher thought I was a “I stood up and raised my hand.
Couldn't spell, couldn't read, couldn't troublemaker. All she saw from the "What is it now?" "You forgot me?"
do arithmetic. Just stupid. Teachers front of the room was a little black She turned toward the blackboard. "I
were never interested in finding out boy who squirmed in his idiot's seat don't have time to be playing with
that you couldn't concentrate because and made noises and poked the kids you, Richard."…"And furthermore,"
you were so hungry, because you around him. I guess she couldn't see she said, looking right at me, her
hadn't had any breakfast. All you a kid who made noises because he nostrils getting big 2 and her lips
could think about was noontime; wanted someone to know he was getting thin and her eyes opening
would it ever come?” there”. wide, "We know you don't have a
Commentary Commentary Commentary
In this part of the text, the teacher Here you can realize that Dick is Here you can see how the teacher
thinks that Dick is stupid because he isolated of the rest of the class. He mistreat Dick because she thinks that
doesn’t learn as other children. But, is hyperactive and always makes he is stupid and cannot think or do
she doesn’t realize that because of noise just to catch attention. He whatever. She wants Dick to be
poverty Dick has a lot of problems feels alone, and he needs someone quiet, and for that she decides to tell
that doesn’t allow him to concentrate to talk to. This is common in school him something that really hurts. The
only in his studies. That is very and high school. Teachers don’t teacher reminds him that he doesn’t
common in our society, people are want to investigate why certain have a father. In society, these kinds
good for judge other. They don’t students misbehave in class. They of situations are very common. When
realize that everyone has problems just isolate them to keep the rest of people disagree with someone they
and some of these problems can the class below control. immediately decided to hurt others in
affect the performance at school or at “Troublemakers” need help and order to feel pride of themselves.
work. someone who listen to them to
realize what is the problem they
Counterclaim Poor people feel ashamed of depends on the welfare of other people besides that they suffer
discrimination because of their situation.
Refuting Evidence Refuting Evidence Refuting Evidence
“There was shame in going to the “There was shame in wearing the “There was shame in running over to
Worthy Boys Annual Christmas brown and orange and white plaid Mister Ben's at the end of the day and
Dinner for you and your kind, mackinaw' the welfare gave to three asking for his rotten peaches, there
because everybody knew what a thousand boys. Why'd it has to be was shame in asking Mrs. Simmons
worthy boy was. Why couldn't they the same for everybody so when for a spoonful of sugar, there was
just call it the Boys Annual Dinner- you walked down the street the shame in running out to meet the
why'd they have to give it a name?” people could see you were on relief truck. I hated that truck, full of
relief?” food for you and your kind. I ran into
the house and hid when it came”.