Page 28 - 2022 July Report
P. 28

 July Report 2022
State University System of Florida annual meeting report
June 3, 2022
Florida A & M University: Deborah Sullivan
Florida Atlantic University: Michelle Shaw, Ashley Ciccolini Erickson Florida Gulf Coast: Cori Bright-Kerrigan
Florida International University: Amanda Niguidula, Smikla Melgoza Florida Polytechnic University: Kristin Meador, Kelly Morgan
New College: Jennifer Meier
University of Central Florida: Missy Lesnewski
University of Florida: Rita Inman
University of North Florida: Rusty Dubberly
University of South Florida: Deborah McCarthy, Allison Dinsmore University of West Florida: Candice Morgan, Amber Hudson
Florida Division of Colleges and Universities: Lynn Nelson, Kirsten Harvey Johnson Scholarship Foundation:
Bobby Krause, Bea Awoniyi, King Jordan, Jr., Dick Krause,
Lady Hereford, Sharon Wood, Angie Francalancia
George Washington University: Maxine Freund, Karly Ball EducationalConsultant: KristineWebb
Bobby Krause welcomed everyone to this meeting, which is the first in-person meeting of this group since 2019. Brief introductions were made around the room.
 Bobby welcomes the attendees to the SUSF Annual Meeting.
Bobby gave a brief outline of JSF’s history, starting with its origins in 1991. He spoke about the Foundation’s 3 focus areas and the growth in its portfolio over the past 31 years. He spoke of the longstanding relationship between JSF and the SUSF, adding that this program is special to JSF.
King noted that this program is believed to be the only one of its kind in which a foundation and a state work together to create scholarships for students with disabilities. He noted that many of these students would not be able to attend college without this support. Including the matching challenge grants JSF instituted with the universities, the program has generated
$20.8 million total in scholarships since its inception. He noted that the state has been a good partner, and the support people from the Florida Board of Governors are an important part of the success of the program.

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