Page 30 - 2022 July Report
P. 30
July Report 2022
State University System of Florida annual meeting report (3)
Florida A & M University – Coming back to face to face has been a bit of a challenge. CeDAR numbers are up with more mental health issues being addressed. FAMU has hired a transition specialist in January to help students plan for post-graduation employment or further education. Deborah has hosted some training for faculty and staff regarding universal design, plus done some presentations for faculty regarding students with autism.
Florida Atlantic University – Michelle will become president of FL AHEAD effective July 1st. Ashley has been leading Southeast Consortium monthly meetings. FAU has hired 2 new consultants, but they still have 2 open positions in the Center. They have seen a 41% increase in new students this year.
Florida Gulf Coast – FGC is going through a Presidential search. They have seen a 27% increase in new students. The Center has been trying to get students back into using the many resources available to them on the campus. Cori has helped lead the SOARING Eagle Academy with its first cohort this year. This is a two-year post-secondary transition program focused on community employment for students with Intellectual Disability.
Florida International University – FIU is also going through a Presidential search. Amanda reported that the Center is seeing an increase in students, partly because they are not getting the services they need on the rest of the campus. They, too, are working to reconnect students with the services that are available to them. Amanda reported that they have 55 new applications for JSF scholarships and 33 renewals. Their big news is that a funder has stepped forward to help create an endowment that will enable FIU to meet the JSF challenge each year.
Ashley Erickson of FAU, Amanda Niguidula of FIU and Smilka Melgoza of FIU enjoy some networking time.
Florida Polytechnic University – FPU has been back to in-person classes since July 2020. It is a frustration that their offices have been suddenly moved twice. They have conducted a fair number of training events which have been planned and conducted with student involvement and student leadership.
New College – Jennifer has been on the job for just 6 weeks, so she is busy learning the campus and what resources are available for both her and her students.
UniversityofCentralFlorida–Theyareworkingwithstudentsonthetransitionbacktoin-person. Clearly some love it. Some hate it. Like others, they have noted an increased need for their support services, especiallyregardingmentalhealth. Onenotableeventisthattheyhaveusedtheescaperoomformatto have students use resources to unlock the puzzle of a classroom.
University of Florida – They partnered with a technology group regarding training in universal design. They have 3 new full-time staff interpreters and 2 new accessibility specialists. Their big news is that they have been approved for a new building. They expect to break ground in October and hope it will be done in 2 years.