Page 34 - 2020 October Report
P. 34
October Report 2022
Board of Directors’ meeting minutes (draft) (2)
how widely circulated this work may be, the information will be a valuable resource for the Johnson Scholarship Foundation because of its content and insight over the past 30 years.
5. CEO’s Report
Bobby’s report and priorities are attached as Attachments “B” and “C”. He briefly highlighted some of the information. He added that, at the advice of the Executive and Finance Committee, he will be reformatting his reports in the future to include status reports on his goals. Bobby will share the reformatted priorities with the Grant Program Committee in December and present them to the Board in March 2023.
The move to the new office was completed in April. This space is smaller, but better suited to our operations.
• The migration to having all financial transactions recorded in QuickBooks is close to being completed.
• There will be no December Monthly Report. The December Grant Program Committee meeting will provide members with updates on JSF business through mid-December.
• Bobby highlighted the books in Diligent Boards. (See the locations memo attached as Attachment “D”.) He explained the purposes and natures of the books in the Resource Center.
•Diligent Boards does not offer a printing option for forms. It is hoped that they will be correcting this in the near future. In the meantime, there will be a rather detailed memo explaining how to print from Diligent Boards.
•It was pointed out that the Annual Reports and Monthly Reports book has not yet been populated.
•Mike asked about using the calendar feature. Bobby promised that staff will look into this option.
• The grantee perception survey being conducted by Center for Effective Philanthropy will be completed this month with a report to the Grant Program Committee at the December meeting.
• Bobby concluded that he and Susan would like to invite the Board, Staff, Consultants and spouses to dinner at their house on Sunday night, December 11th.
There was question regarding approval of Committee minutes. Malcolm clarified that each Committee is responsible for approving its own minutes. The Board approves all Committee actions. The draft minutes are always included in the Monthly Report the month following meetings. There was a request to see the approved minutes. Since each Committee book in Diligent Boards is available to Committee members only, the approved minutes are not viewable by all Directors. Staff was directed to create and populate an Approved Minutes book in Diligent Boards which is open to all Directors.
6. Committee Reports and Business
A. Audit & Risk Committee
Hugh reported that as part of the Committee’s new responsibilities, the insurance coverage was reviewed for the first time. The Committee is also planning to do a full review of the foreign currency risks but awaiting more information from both Prime Buchholz and Templeton.
The Committee opined that the Foundation is in good shape from a financial control standpoint.