Page 30 - 2024 May report
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▪ Wecurrentlyhave76scholarsenrolledincollegethisacademicyear. Unfortunately, 2 students have taken a medical leave of absence due to mental health concerns. Like many organizations serving high-need communities, we saw COVID exacerbate many issues already plaguing our families. The growing mental health needs of our students was particularly highlighted in this scholar class because they had just entered college during the shutdown.
o Goal#2forYear2:100%ofstudentsattendtop100rankedcollegesor
universities, 50% attend top 50, and 30% attend top 30
▪ Althoughthisadmissionsgoalcanbevolatilegiventhefactthat rankings change annually, we have had much success in helping our students consistently gain access to top colleges. Last year alone, 94% of our college freshman cohort gained an admissions letter to at least one top 30 institution.
▪ Of the 111 students we have helped enroll in college (excludes class 10- 18 High School Seniors and class 11-24 High School Juniors); 56% attend(ed) a top 30 school, 77% attend(ed) a top 50 school or better, 97% attend(ed) a top 100 school or better.
o Goal #3 for Year 2: 100% of students graduate with less than $10,000 in debt ▪ Todate,100%ofourAlumnihavegraduatedwithlessthan$10,000in college debt. Our College Admissions team teaches our students the
generational impact of high college debt and coach applicants to seek “financial fit” when applying to schools. Our coaches have a proven track record in helping our students not just select the best admissions package for them but apply for lucrative community scholarships. Many of our students attend schools with a full or near full ride, graduating with little to no debt at all.
o Goal #4 for Year 2: Build an effective postgraduate pipeline in which 95% of graduating Scholars who desire to enter grad school or workforce experience successful transitions.
▪ Our organization is funded by a diverse revenue stream composed of individual donors, events, foundation and corporate partnerships. Each of our constituents play an important role in supporting our students but corporate partners play a pivotal role in our career readiness programing. Our corporate partners not only invest in our work, but they mentor students hoping to pursue careers in their fields, host scholars as interns, and even hire our post-graduation students. Our most recent Alumni census noted that 42% are in grad
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May Report