Page 39 - 2024 January report
P. 39

 GRANT PROGRAM COMMITTEE MINUTES (DRAFT) (8) b. United Tribes Technical College proposal
The following materials had been circulated: A list of Entrepreneurship Scholarship Endowment Agreements; a letter from United Tribes Technical College (UTTC) requesting a $250,000 match to complete its endowment; and a report from a September 21, 2023 site visit to UTTC. The college had a 4-year endowment building agreement with JSF to build an $800,000 endowment over four years beginning in 2007. The agreement had a 1:1 matching component. Over the four years, UTTC raised only $150,000, which was matched by JSF. UTTC now has the funds in hand to complete the match. The school’s representatives have provided financial statements and other documentation that JSF staff and Rick Williams have reviewed.
There was agreement with completing the endowment. Some schools have federal COVID relief money left over or they have received unrestricted grant funds from philanthropist MacKenzie Scott. It is unclear whether that is the case for UTTC. A brief discussion took place about whether funding should take place in the current year or over a longer period. The consensus was to fund the grant in the current year.
The Committee approved a request as presented from United Tribes Technical College for a one-time matching grant of $250,000 to complete the JSF endowment.
c. Turtle Mountain Community College proposal
A letter from Turtle Mountain Community College (TMCC) requesting a $200,000 match to complete its endowment had been circulated along with a report from a September 20, 2023 site visit. The agreement was to build an $800,000 endowment over four years with a 1:1 match. TMCC deposited $300,000 for their endowment, but JSF only matched $200,000 because of a failure by TMCC to provide notice of its last $100,000 deposit. TMCC has now provided documentation of the deposit along with financial statements and other materials that have been reviewed by staff and Rick.
There was agreement with completing the endowment with funding to take place in 2024.
The Committee approved a request as presented from Turtle Mountain Community College for a one-time matching grant of $200,000 to complete the JSF endowment.
12. Communications and social media
A Marketing and Communications Report had been circulated. Hannah shared key updates on JSF’s communications and marketing efforts between September and November 2023. Highlights included:
• Sharing the results of a paid ad campaign on LinkedIn to garner additional followers
• Showcasing key blog posts and original thought leadership content that showcased JSF’s grantee partners and Directors
• Information on top performing posts and key digital metrics for JSF
• Updates on the grantee communications spreadsheet rollout (to encourage grantees to share news/updates that
JSF can use on its channels)
A question was asked if the metrics could cover a wider range of dates to benchmark success. Hannah will consider ways to do this for the next meeting. While the performance of posts is tracked throughout the year, Hannah added that a social media audit may be considered for 2024 to dive deeper into which pieces of content perform best (and why). A comment was made that it has been helpful learning how each person within JSF can help amplify these posts. Hannah said that there is value in having Directors share JSF posts, as each Director’s “personal” brand can amplify stories among their network, garner potential future partnerships, and put JSF on the map.

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