Page 27 - January 2023 Report
P. 27

Grant Program Committee meeting minutes (draft) (9)
more meetings/convenings if possible and having more discussions on reporting. The impact of the pandemic on the 2022 results is unclear. Regarding frequency of site visits, CEP recommends every 3 to 5 years. Kristy and Joyce were thanked and they left the meeting.
During the brief discussion afterward, it became apparent that grantees and funders have differing ideas of what constitutes non-monetary support. A comment was made that grantees may not consider annual meetings or communication activities to fall into that category. Though the responses are anonymous, it might be interesting to know whether the people asked to complete the survey were development or program people from the organizations. Staff was directed to ensure the survey results as well as the previous ones are visible on JSF’s website.
11. IndigenousPeoplesPrograming
a. Linkage report – Gonzaga University
A report by Sherry on Gonzaga University’s MBA-AIE program had been circulated. Sherry was prepared to speak on this report in September but was unable to due to illness. She chose Gonzaga to review because there was 20 years’ worth of data, which was helpful in examining the long-term impact. The report concludes that this program is an excellent example of JSF’s mission and Theory of Change.
One thing of note is that new people are running the program now. Over the past few weeks a development person from Gonzaga reached out to Sherry and staff to possibly ask JSF for more money for this program, which now has a fully funded endowment. In the coming year, there may be an opportunity for MBA-AIE alumni to come together in connection with the annual AISES conference in the fall. If so, JSF could learn from this group.
Sherry was asked if a program like Gonzaga’s could be replicated elsewhere. She believes opportunities could emerge amid a current movement to have land-grant institutions acknowledge their indebtedness to Indigenous communities. Also, with many MBA programs offered online, replication at the right institution could be possible.
b. Other grant opportunities
A report by Sherry had been circulated. Discussion on this also had been postponed from September. The University of Arizona is listed as a potential grantee. Levi Esquerra is now Senior Vice President for Native American Advancement and Tribal Engagement at that institution, and a development officer from his school recently submitted an LOI. Discussions are under way about a site visit early next year.
Also on the list is a possible convening of Gonzaga MBA-AIE graduates, as previously discussed. A grant from JSF could support this effort. Additionally, an LOI from Dalhousie University proposes a grant for scholarships to help 50 Indigenous and 50 African Nova Scotian engineering students. This request is similar to Dalhousie’s last JSF grant for students in health sciences.
12. Approval for distribution adjustments as needed
Bobby reminded the Committee of Dick’s earlier comments that the distribution amounts will be finalized before the end of the year.
The Committee authorized the CEO to manage year end funding of approved grants to meet the 2022 grant distribution requirement.

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