Page 28 - January 2023 Report
P. 28

 January Report 2023
Grant Program Committee meeting minutes (draft) (10)
13. Communications and social media
A Social Media Report had been circulated. As in September, Lady and Angie used averages for engaged users, daily reach, and post reach for Facebook rather than the figures from the prior 28 days. LinkedIn is showing positive gains. Traffic is down significantly for the website and could be a seasonal effect. Activity tends to increase during scholarship application season early in the calendar year. For the website numbers, it was suggested that seeing the numbers compared to a year ago rather than 3 months ago might be helpful.
Lady and Angie were asked how frequently they are posting on Facebook. Angie said the posts are less frequent than before, but an effort is being made to post more original content. Those tend to receive the most engagement.
14. Upcoming Meetings
Spring 2023 – Sunday, March 19th – Fort Lauderdale, Florida Fall 2023 – Sunday, September 10th – Spokane, Washington Winter 2023 – Saturday, December 2nd – Palm Beach, Florida
There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted this 11th day of January 2023.
R. Malcolm Macleod Lady Hereford Committee Chair Program Specialist

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