Page 8 - January 2023 Report
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 January Report 2023
Program Notes
• Distributions as of January 20, 2023 - $0
• Palm Beach Atlantic University
An additional $300,000 was sent to PBAU in December 2022 as pre-funding for their 2023 grant.
• Scholarship applications
Applications for both the Children of Florida UPS employees and students with disabilities attending one of the 12 state universities are on our website and open to students.
• Distributions as of January 20, 2023 – $0
• American Indigenous Business Leaders
Prairie reported not only meeting their matching donations challenge, but a very positive year for AIBL. (See report attached)
• Institute of American Indian Arts
The endowment agreement with IAIA was executed and the first $300,000 installment funded.
• University of Alaska – Fairbanks
In its recent newsletter, UAF highlighted 2 of the first business students to receive scholarships through its Entrepreneurship Scholarship partnership with JSF. The newsletter also included an announcement that Dr. Cam Carlson has been promoted from Associate Dean of the College of Business and Security Management (CBSM) to the role of Dean. Read more here:
• Distributions as of January 20, 2023 - $9,000
• Bridges from School to Work
King shared that Bank of America recently released a video about Bridges:
• Convening participant – Michael Ungar
David Blaikie shared this link to an article recognizing Michael Ungar:
• Florida Gulf Coast University
The $50,000 grant for student emergency funds was executed and funded.
• Florida International University
JSF was featured in the headline story of the FIU January 2023 Newsletter.

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