Page 6 - 2023 February Report
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 February Report 2023
Program & End Notes
• Distributions as of February 20, 2023 - $0
• Distributions as of February 20, 2023 – $250,000
• Pathways to Education Canada
Pathways once again met and even exceeded their required donations to receive the next installment of the JSF grant. (See their report attached.)
• Site visits in Arizona and New Mexico
Bobby and Sherry visited both the University of Arizona in Tucson and Native Forward Scholars Fund in Albuquerque. (See their report attached.)
• Toronto Metropolitan University
Allison Urowitz wrote: “At the end of last year your grant of $10,000 was spent on new laptops for the Indigenous student lounge, which you visited. The university is undergoing planning for the construction of a new space. Access to computers and the internet in the new Indigenous student lounge will be an essential service and these laptops will be instrumental for student use.”
• Distributions as of February 20, 2023 - $ 639,500
• Disadvantaged Convening
David’s report and summary are attached.
• Florida College Access Network
JSF has made a $3,500 grant to the Florida College Access Network as a sponsorship for its 2023 Talent Strong Florida Summit, which will be held April 27-28 in Tampa, Florida. FCAN supports 17 community coalitions throughout Florida called Local College Access Networks (LCANs), including Achieve Palm Beach County. Braulio Colón, formerly of Helios Education Foundation, is FCAN’s new Executive Director.
March 2023 meetings
End Notes
The March meetings are upon us. We will be at Marriott Harbor Beach Resort, 3030 Holiday Drive, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. The Grant Program Committee meeting will be Sunday, March 19th. Sunday evening will be the reception and dinner with invited guests. Monday morning, March 20th, we will travel to Boca Raton to visit Florida Atlantic University. Committees will meet Monday afternoon. Monday evening will be the JSF family only reception and dinner with our special guest speaker. The Board meeting will be Tuesday, March 21st (see attached master schedule).
Dinner choices for Monday night are:
Pan Seared Florida Grouper w/sweet pea risotto, fennel, roasted tomato slaw & baby vegetables OR
Grilled Filet Mignon w/sweet potato & celery root gratin, charred broccolini & citrus carrots Please let Sharon know your choices by March 3rd.

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