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Company Overview

              Cannaisseur Brands is d dic t d to d v lopin   nd producin  qu lit , th r p utic, c nn bis
              infus d products. Our f rm to bod  formul s  r  d si n d with th  custom r in mind. Ev r  product
              is produc d in our l b  nd third p rt  t st d to  nsur  th  hi h st qu lit   nd consist nc .

              Th  comp n 's mission is to  duc t  oth rs  bout th  r sponsibl  us  of c nn bis  nd its
              m dicin l b n fits.

                                        Aryn Sieber, Cannaisseur Brands | Founder and CEO

                                        Aryn has 40 years of experience as a successful entrepreneur, launching start-ups,
                                        developing brands, and selling products and services.  Aryn developed Stage IV inoperable
                                        cancer 13 years after volunteering as a 9/11 first responder at Ground Zero. During rigorous
                                        treatments of chemotherapy and radiation, he began compounding his own formulas of
                                        cannabis-rich CBD oil products. Six months after being diagnosed,  Aryn’s doctors advised
                                        him that his cancer was in complete remission. Given his miraculous recovery,  Aryn founded
                                        the Pay it Forward Foundation (PIFF), which exclusively supports non-profits associated
                                        with education and the Compassionate Cannabis Community.

              With his new found expertise as a medicinal cannabis connoisseur,  Aryn used his business acumen to create Cannaisseur

              Brands and launched CBD Essentials; a line of premium CBD infused topicals that include body & massage oils, creams
              and balms.

              As a member in good standing with the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) Aryn now sits on the
              Association’s 2017 Regulatory & Compliance Committee.

              Multimedia Press Releases

                      May 21, 2017 via “PR Newswire” — Cannaisseur Brands Launches CBD Essentials —
                      Cannabis Infused Topicals — Therapy Designed By Nature®

                      News Feed Picked Up By:
                      • Yahoo! Finance

                      • Front Page TV Series Hosted
                       by James Earl Jones
                      • Market Watch
                      • Washington Business Journal


                                                Therapy Designed by Nature  ®
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