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Our Blog

                                    Farm to Skin: Sourcing CBD for
                                        Cannabis Infused Topicals

              As cannabis infused products are flooding the        CBD Essentials embodies the farm to skin movement in
              marketplace — from vape pens to edibles to              all aspects of our production cycle. Our premium,
              topicals — it’s important to know the                           organic CBD is sourced directly from our strategic
              source of the cannabis used in                               growing partners. We have direct access to the
              products that you consume.                                    farm,  workers, and laboratory processing
                                                                             for our CBD.
              Lately, there’s an increased
              incidence of tainted batches of                                Furthermore, we undergo strict quality
              cannabis popping up on the                                       control measures to ensure that all batches
              market. Banned pesticides are                                   of CBD used in our products are tested for
              being used by growers, and as a                               pesticides, microbial (yeast, mold, mildew), and
              result, consumers are becoming ill.                             residual solvents. Our open door policy affords us
              According to The Globe and Mail, it was              the ability to share our lab testing results with anyone!
              reported that a group of veterans are

              amassing a file of evidence detailing illnesses      We guarantee that CBD Essentials is a safe, reliable and
              after exposure to tainted cannabis products.        therapeutic product that delivers the best cannabis therapy
              Their symptoms allegedly include becoming           on the market. Our ingredients are naturally derived and
              bedridden, nausea and breathing difficulties.         we only use premium organic CBD from our growing
                                                                  partners. Because we put our consumers first, and value
              In Colorado, for example, companies are suppose     their experience with our products, we stand by 100% farm
              to voluntarily destroy tainted cannabis.  If they   to skin traceability in everything that we do.
              don’t, the state will destroy it, according to a
              policy statement issued by the Colorado             Follow us on Facebook for updates on the
              Departments of Agriculture, Public Health,          benefits of CBD for helping with various
              and Revenue. Currently, there are no federal        illnesses.
              guidelines on pesticide use on cannabis.

                   CBD Essentials embodies the farm to skin movement
                                in all aspects of our production cycle.


                                                Therapy Designed by Nature  ®
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