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               In depth genetic analysis reveals

               new cancer subtypes

                Despite pancreatic cancer being one of the most
                deadly forms of cancer, little is known about its
                genetic and molecular features.

               “Most molecular studies on pancreatic cancer
                examine early stage disease, representing a
                minority of patients. This is mostly due to
                difficulty in obtaining sufficient tumour tissue
                for research from patients with advanced disease,”
                says Dr. Faiyaz Notta (pictured opposite page,
                top left).
                                                                 The study’s findings also indicated that the disease
               To address this, Dr. Notta and Dr. Steven         subtypes likely stemmed from specific genetic
                Gallinger, a Clinician Scientist at Princess     alterations during disease development.
                Margaret Cancer Centre, examined pancreatic
                tumours collected from 314 patients who          These findings help to explain why patients with
                participated in the COMPASS trial, including 111   pancreatic cancer display a wide range of responses
               with advanced disease. COMPASS, which was         to the same anti-cancer drug. In addition, they
                launched by Clinician Investigator Dr. Jennifer   will guide the design of new strategies that are
                Knox, comprehensively characterized the genetic   targeted to each disease subtype.
                content of tumours using cutting-edge pathology
                and sequencing technologies at UHN and the       The illustration above depicts the cell’s chromosomes, in which
                Ontario Institute for Cancer Research.           DNA is packaged. The yellow portion of the chromosome
                                                                 represents a genetic change.
               The study found that pancreatic cancer could be   Chan-Seng-Yue M, et al. Nat Genet. 2020 Feb 12. doi:
                classified into five different subtypes based on   10.1038/s41588-020-0588-3. Supported by the Government
                its genetic information. Prior to this, only two   of Ontario, the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, The
                subtypes of pancreatic cancer had been described.   Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation, the Terry Fox Research
                One subtype, referred to as Basal-like-A, was    Institute, the Canadian Cancer Society and the Pancreatic
                mostly found in advanced disease.                Cancer Canada Foundation.

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