Page 21 - Welcome Intro Book
P. 21


         G|M:  iQ  Studio  consists  of  a  group  of
         interdisciplinary   design   professionals
         responsible for the implementation of the latest
         and  most  innovative  workplace  knowledge,
         research and strategies uncovered by Herman
         Miller  and  from  G|M’s  vast  experience  of
         designing,  delivering  and  installing  over
         155,000 workstations and offices over the last
         30 years.

         Deliverables  include  programs  and  workplace
         planning  knowledge  and  space  planning
         building, safety and ADA codes. iQ Studio also
         maintains  a  state  of  the  art  resource  library
         with all Herman Miller finishes along with fabric
         libraries,  carpets,  flooring, and  wood  samples
         from  all  manufacturers.  iQ  Studio  also  has  a
         proprietary   “Web   Based    Planning
         Questionnaire”  that  allows  hundreds  of
         personnel within an organization to have a say
         in expressing their needs producing a positive
         synergy from people supporting what they help
         to create. G|M: iQ Studio receives the valuable
         macro and micro data from all personnel that
         validates  adjacencies,  support  work  areas,
         collaboration,  communication,  efficiency  and
         work values.
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