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 The Honorable Michael Thurmond               Legends Hall of Fame

                                                   Legends Hall of Fame
                                               The Legends Hall of Fame recognizes pioneers
                                                who have paved the way for others to follow.
                                         Legends HaLL of fame

                            2007                        2007                       2007                        2007
                    HENRY “HANK” AARON            THE HONORABLE                JESSE HILL, JR.            THE HONORABLE
                        Senior Vice President     ROBERT BENHAM              Retired Chairman & CEO         JOHN LEWIS
                    Atlanta National League Baseball   Justice             Atlanta Life Insurance Company  Representative, Georgia’s 5th
                           Club, Inc.            Supreme Court of Georgia                                 Congressional District
                     Owner, Hank Aaron Toyota                                                           U.S. House of Representatives
                                                                                                   Legends HaLL of fame

                             2007                       2007                        2007                       2007
                         REVEREND DR.             HERMAN J. RUSSELL       DAVID SATCHER, M.D., PH.D.   LOUIS W. SULLIVAN, M.D.
                       JOSEPH E. LOWERY                Chairman             Director, Center of Excellence on  President Emeritus
                 Convenor, Coalition for The Peoples’ Agenda;  H.J. Russell & Company  Health Disparities  Morehouse School of Medicine
                   Chairman Emeritus, Black Leadership                      Morehouse School of Medicine
                 Forum, Inc.; Co-founder, President Emeritus,
                 Southern Christian Leadership Conference

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