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                                           The Atlanta Business League’s 13th Annual Men of Influence continues the tradition started in 2007
                                           recognizing African-American men who have made a difference in our community. Whether they have
                                           excelled in corporate America or community organizing, been chosen for public office or public ser-
                                           vice, made a name in business or entertainment; we know that Black men are brilliant, and deserve
                                           credit for the many contributions they make to improve our society.

                                           While others may fail to recognize their genius, we affirm that African-American men are the greatest
                                           innovators on the planet. They have accomplished so much with so little, and there is no limit to what
                                           they can do when given the opportunity.

                                           As evidence, our growing list of distinguished gentlemen includes some of the best and the brightest
                   Tiffany Callaway Ferrell  our community has to offer… bar none.
                        Board Chair
                   Atlanta Business League
                                           Take for example the Legends Hall of Fame… a who’s who of innovators whose extraordinary
                                           achievements are nothing short of history-making. This is an exclusive club of “firsts” who, in charting
                                           their own way out of no way, create a path for others to follow.

                                           Olympian, Edwin Moses, joins the legendary Hall of Fame Inductees. Moses won Olympic gold med-
                                           als in 1976 and 1984, three World Cup titles, two World Championships, and broke the World Record
                                           four times as a 400-meter hurdler. He remained undefeated in 122 consecutive races spanning nine
                                           years, nine months, and nine days. Known as The Thinking Man’s Athlete™, Moses is a physicist with
                                           an MBA degree.

                                           In our 13th season, we are naming posthumously two Legacy Honorees: Rev. Dr. Cameron Madison
                                           Alexander, esteemed pastor of Antioch Baptist Church North. Under his leadership, Antioch became a
                                           beacon of hope in the community, providing food, housing, clothing and addiction recovery to those
                   Leona Barr-Davenport    in need. Activist Joe Beasley says fondly of Rev. Dr. Alexander: “He was a giant, not only in Atlanta, but
                      President & CEO      throughout the entire country, even throughout the world.”
                   Atlanta Business League
                                           Our second 2019 Legacy Honoree is The Honorable Ivory Lee Young, Jr.  Elected councilmember of
                                           Atlanta City Council District 3 in 2001, Councilman Young believed that government should be an
                                           honest, efficient deliverer of services and that city hall should help those citizens least able to help
                                           themselves. Councilman Young directed the redevelopment of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive cor-
                                           ridor, helping to improve blight while protecting the interest of current homeowners.

                                            You may not see these Men of Influence in the news headlines, but they are our heroes. With this
                                           directory, we have taken on the responsibility of telling the world about the impact of Black men. Let’s
                                           give our men accolades while they’re with us.

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