Page 42 - GEN 2021
P. 42


                                                       CONFIRM BRAKES SET

                                                       * BRAKES SET

                                                       * DISCONNECT

              Towing procedures                        ** REQUEST TOW [company name] (aircraft
                                                       type) FROM (location) TO (location)

              ATC response                             HOLD POSITION

                                                       STAND BY

                                                       ** denotes transmission from aircraft/tow
                                                       vehicle combination
              To request time check and/or

              aerodrome data for departure             * REQUEST TIME CHECK

                                                       TIME (minutes)

              .....when no ATIS broadcast                * REQUEST DEPARTURE INFORMATION
              is available
                                                       RUNWAY (number), WIND (direction and
                                                       speed), QNH (detail), TEMPERATURE (detail),

                                                       [VISIBILITY FOR TAKE-OFF (detail) (or RVR

              Taxi procedures                           * [aircraft type] [wake turbulence category if
               .. for departure                              “heavy”]
                                                       [aircraft location] REQUEST TAXI [intentions]

                                                       * [aircraft type] [wake turbulence category if
                                                       [aircraft location] (flight rules) TO (aerodrome
                                                       of destination) REQUEST TAXI [intentions]

              ... where detailed taxi                    TAXI TO HOLDING POINT [number]
              instructions are required                   [RUNWAY (number)] TAXI [intentions]

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