Page 48 - GEN 2021
P. 48

and speed)] [TEMPERATURE (degrees celsius)]
                                                       QNH (or QFE) (detail) [HECTOPASCALS]
                                                       [TRAFFIC (detail)]

              .. when ATIS information is              * (aircraft type) (position) (level) information
                                                       (ATIS available identification) FOR LANDING

                                                       JOIN (position in circuit) RUNWAY (number)
                                                       QND (or QFE) (detail) [HECTOPASCALS]
                                                       (TRAFFIC) (detail)

              In the circuit                           * (position in circuit, DOWNWIND / FINAL)

                                                       NUMBER ... FOLLOW (aircraft type and
                                                       position) [additional instructions if required]

              Approach instructions                      MAKE SHORT APPROACH

              Note :  The report “LONG FINAL” is              MAKE LONG APPROACH (or EXTEND DOWNWIND)
              made when aircraft turn on to final
              approach at a distance greater than           REPORT BASE (or FINAL, or LONG FINAL)
              7 km (4 NM) from touchdown or when
              an aircraft on a straight- in approach        CONTINUE APPROACH
              is 15 kn (8 NM) from. In both cases a
              report “FINAL” is required at 7 km
               (4NM) from touchdown.

              5.52  Landing                              CLEARED TO LAND.

              ..multiple runway operations             CLEARED TO LAND RUNWAY (number)

              ... special operations                     CLEARED TO TOUCH AND GO

                                                       MAKE FULL STOP

               To make an approach along, or           * REQUEST LOW APPROACH (Reasons)
               parallel to a runway, descending
               to an agreed minimum level              CLEARED LOW APPROACH
                                                       [RUNWAY(number)][(Altitude restriction if
                                                         required) (go around restrictions)]
               to fly past the control tower           * REQUEST LOW PASS (reasons)

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