Page 13 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
P. 13

I  was lucky enough to have a great mentor,

                                           and to be exposed to many things in business.

                                                          observing him, I think I am also now capable to assist
          Administration Manager, BusinessFit SA                                                           Goals for the future
                                                          other people in their businesses.”
                                                                                                           Reflecting on her future goals Lindiwe said that
              indiwe Bhadi holds the position of administration   In addition, working closely with customers has inspired   she  would like to pursue her studies more. “I was
         L    manager at BusinessFit SA.                  Lindiwe to learn more about the corporate environment.   thinking of doing bookkeeping because I am in the

               Lindiwe grew up in a small township in KwaZulu-  “Through BusinessFit, I have met people with different   administration and accounts department, so I would
          Natal called Lamontville. She reflects that while she   passions and visions about their future. This keeps me   like to further my studies even more,” she explained.
          would not say that she was poor when she grew up, she   inspired to continue working closely with people who
          was not as fortunate as many other children were. After   want to make a change in South Africa.”  As previously mentioned, Lindiwe said that she  was
                                                                                                           lucky enough to have a great mentor, and to be
          Lindiwe completed her matric certificate, her family
                                                          Building on her business experience, Lindiwe has   exposed to many things in business. This experience
          could not afford to pay for her university studies.
                                                          also completed a certificate in national customer   has allowed Lindiwe to make a difference in her
          So, said Lindiwe, “I got myself a job as a cleaner; I was   management as a customer relationship practitioner.  workplace and she believes that she will be able to offer
          a cleaner for 18 months. What motivated me the most                                              this knowledge to young entrepreneurs in the future.
          was that I knew I wanted to do better in life. I knew it   Novel experiences                     “Through the kind of exposure that I have obtained I
          wasn’t the end of me being a cleaner.”          Some of the challenges that Lindiwe has faced in   think I’m also capable of assisting startup business to

          Fortunately, during this time Lindiwe got the oppor-  her  career  relate  to  encountering everything  in  the   help them move forward and this is something I aspire
          tunity to study through a learnership that was in   business environment as novel experiences.   towards,” commented Lindiwe.
          marketing and sales.
                                                          Lindiwe commented, “I wasn’t exposed to the      Inspirational story
          “I knew I wasn’t the right person for a career in marketing   business environment, so everything was new. I had
          and sales. I will say that I can’t sell  anything,” says   to learn everything about the business world.  I had to   The advice that Lindiwe would give to young women
          Lindiwe with a laugh. So, I had to think what I would   learn to communicate with people. There were a lot   out there is to not give up. She explains, “I hope my
          love to become in life. I went to on to study through   of things to learn. I had to understand the business   story inspires you to keep on believing in yourself.
          Unisa and I successfully completed my studies in a   that I was working in. I had to learn a lot about human   Don’t give up. Keep pushing for the dream you have in
          business administration course.”                resources services because that is what we do at our   your mind. The life that you want to live is possible if
                                                                                                           you continue to push for your goals.”
                                                          company. Over the years. I’ve learned a lot of things
          Further motivation
                                                          about businesses.”                               “Being part of this Top Business Women initiative for
          While  completing  the  learnership  programme,  Lindiwe   However,  Lindiwe  explains  that  this  experience  has   KwaZulu-Natal business women is marvelous for me.
          encountered David White, a businessman. David became   enabled her to help mentor other young learners to   I never imagined that my story would be recognised,
          Lindiwe’s mentor and was instrumental in motivating her   navigate their own business journeys on the way to   and I feel honoured to be part of this big, amazing
          to further her education and business career.   success. She said, “Sometimes we get students and   initiative,” concluded Lindiwe.

          Lindiwe explained, “Through David White, I have been   currently we have a young lady who has joined us for   When she is not at work, Lindiwe takes care of a son
          exposed to the business environment. He has pushed   a learning programme to gain work experience. I am   as a single mom and enjoys listening to music and
          me to believe in myself and he has pushed me to be   now more involved in those projects and I’m the one   reading in her spare time. She says, “What I do to relax.
          where I am today. He has exposed me to so many   who takes the learners through the journey of getting   I love dancing, so if I’m not at work, I play a lot of music
          things in business. With his knowledge and through   to know and understand the working environment.”  that I enjoy and I dance.”

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