Page 22 - KZN Business Sense 10.4 - Jay Patel - Ebook
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                   Sameer Kumandan,   application that does exactly   ■   COMPREHENSIVE
                    Managing Director,   that, says Sameer Kumandan,   COMPLIANCE:
                     SearchWorks      managing director of          VOCA ensures that businesses
                                      SearchWorks. “VOCA is an      adhere to the FIC Act by
                             hen a    app designed to streamline    implementing essential Anti-
                             well-    the compliance processes for   Money Laundering (AML) and
                     Wknown           accountable institutions. The aim   Counter-Terrorism Financing
                      fund manager    is for any accountable institution   (CFT) measures, such as
                       was fined R16   to be able to do exactly what the   documented and easily accessible
                       million earlier   name suggests: verify, onboard,   verification checks, ensuring full
                        this year for   and do compliance checks on   audit trails. Meticulous records
                         failing to   individuals and companies – but   of transactions and customer
                         comply with   automating these processes means   information are maintained
                         the Financial   they’ll spend much less time,   for a minimum of five years.
        Intelligence Centre Act (FICA)   energy, and resources than if they   Furthermore, the app can perform
        stipulations for accountable   were to do so manually.”     comprehensive risk assessments
        institutions, many companies in   VOCA’s automated system is   to identify and address potential
        sectors such as real estate, law, and   based on the unique rule sets and   money laundering and terrorist
        accounting jumped to action to   risk appetite of each client. Every   financing risks, as well as assist
        ensure their compliance.      check will generate a full report   with compliance-mandated
          But the mammoth task this can   on an individual or business and   employee training to equip staff
        sometimes present means full   will also include a risk rating   with the necessary knowledge and
        compliance can be extremely   report based on the real-time   skills to recognise and report any   And, although the FIC Act was   inspections and sanctions, but
        difficult to attain through manual   data returned. This will allow   suspicious activities.  created to prevent financial crime,   hurts the broader economy as
        processes alone. In the case of   clients to ensure compliance   ■   SEAMLESS ONBOARDING:   following the guidelines set out   well as international perceptions
        Ashburton Fund Managers above,   with the FIC Act, while creating   While thorough compliance can   in the Act will also improve a   of it – especially after South
        many of the compliance points   a full audit trail as proof that the   be a hassle for businesses and   company’s reputation, ultimately   Africa was grey listed by global
        were in fact met. But the devil was   necessary checks were done.  their customers alike, VOCA   attracting a more desirable   financial crime watchdog the
        in the details – for example, the   Key benefits and features include:  simplifies the onboarding process   clientele.  Financial Action Task Force in
        company failed to screen its clients   ■   STREAMLINED      with automated checks, facial                               February 2023. Says Kumandan:
        against the Targeted Financial   VERIFICATION:              verification, 3D liveness and data   Beyond your own business   “It’s crucial for those operating
        Sanctions lists.                                            verifications, reducing manual   interests, ensuring your   in these sectors to understand
                                      The app can perform Know                                    compliance as an accountable   what is required of them by the
          Automating FIC Act          Your Client (KYC) /Know       effort and enhancing efficiency   institution will play a part in
        requirements can be a game-   Your Business (KYB) checks,   – and, importantly, customer   strengthening the country’s   FIC Act, and to comply as soon
        changer for accountable       Company and Intellectual      retention.                    economy. The Act and its stringent   as possible. FICA compliance
        institutions, not only ensuring   Property (CIPC) checks,   Why it’s important            stipulations for accountable   has really become a matter of
        compliance but also freeing up   ID verification, ID Photo                                institutions was created to protect   national importance.” 
        valuable time that would otherwise   verification, Politically Exposed   Not only does comprehensive   those who operate in or deal with
        be spent on completing these often   Persons (PEP)/sanction checks,   compliance mitigate legal risks and   industries that are more vulnerable   T: +27 (0)86 034 0000
        intricate processes manually.  FIC questionnaires, adverse news   possible financial penalties, but it   to money laundering and terrorist   E:
                                      checks, and account verification.   also enhances your business. The                      W:
        Introducing VOCA              Users receive a detailed, real-  improved security and reduced   financing, including sectors such
          VOCA, powered by data       time report on each verification,   human error will help protect your   as real estate, credit provision, law,
                                                                                                  and high-value sales.
        aggregation platform          enabling informed decision-   business from financial crime,
        SearchWorks, is a verification,   making and proactive risk   while increased efficiency saves   Non-compliance not only
        onboarding, and compliance    management.                   time and resources.           puts these entities at risk of


              R1.1-billion automotive   the province’s growing automotive   Economic Development,   operate the proposed Durban   sector, with KwaZulu-Natal’s
              components              sector.                       Tourism, and Environmental    Automotive Supplier Park in   automotive manufacturing sector
        A anufacturing facility        This facility is the result of a   Affairs, highlighted the sustained   collaboration with the eThekwini   contributing approximately
        was recently inaugurated at   joint venture between Toyota   momentum in KwaZulu-Natal’s   Municipality.                R21 billion to the local economy
        Dube TradePort’s TradeZone    Tsusho Africa (Pty) Ltd and   economy and the strategic role that   Hamish Erskine, CEO of Dube   annually and employing around
        2, marking a significant foreign   Ogihara Thailand Corporation   Special Economic Zones like Dube   TradePort, expressed satisfaction   20,000 people. Nationally, the
        direct investment in KwaZulu-  Ltd . Speaking at the launch,   TradePort play in driving growth   with Ogihara SA’s decision to   automotive industry contributes
        Natal and heralding a new era for                           within the vital automotive sector.                         5.3% to GDP, with vehicle and
                                      Rev Musa Zondi, MEC for                                     locate its facility at TradeZone 2.
                                                                     Ogihara SA’s new 32,000m²    He noted that the location    automotive component exports
                                                                    facility at TradeZone 2 will house   meets the private sector’s   reaching a record value of
                                                                    a relocated manufacturing and   needs for a stable, secure, and   R270.8 billion in 2023.
                                                                    assembly plant from Thailand,   sustainable environment, with   Rev Zondi emphasised the
                                                                    producing pressed steel       green energy solutions becoming   broader economic impact of this
                                                                    components specifically for Toyota   increasingly critical for   investment, which will initially
                                                                    South Africa Manufacturing.    international supply chains.  create 230 jobs, scaling up to 300
                                                                    With construction underway, the                             within five years. Ogihara SA’s
                                                                    plant aims to begin operations by   Ogihara SA, established in 2023,   commitment to source 90% of its
                                                                    June 2025.                    will manufacture automotive   steel sheets locally will support
                                                                                                  components for Toyota South   South Africa’s steel sector, critical
                                                                     This investment is the largest   Africa Manufacturing’s next-  for the country’s industrialisation
                                                                    secured by Dube TradePort     generation Hilux IMV build    objectives. Ogihara SA is one of
                                                                    since its establishment alongside   programme. This joint venture   seven private sector investors
                                                                    Durban’s King Shaka International  is a significant step towards   secured for Dube TradeZone 2.
                                                                    Airport and follows Mahindra   Toyota Tsusho Africa’s local value   Dube TradePort Corporation
                                                                    South Africa’s vehicle assembly   addition improvement strategy   has attracted R4.6 billion in
                                                                    facility launch in 2018. Rev   and aligns with national targets
        L-R: Managing Director Toyota Tsusho Wayne Bowyer, Leadership of Toyota                                                 private sector investment since
        Tsusho Corporation Andrew Velleman; CEO Toyota SA Motors Andrew   Zondi expressed optimism about   for localisation.    its inception, creating more than
        Kirby; MEC EDTEA Reverend Musa Zondi; Department of Trade, Industry   future investments in the region,   The automotive industry is South   5,000 permanent and 51,000
        and Competition (DTIC) Minister Parks Tau; CEO Ogihara Hiroshi Morita;   noting that the Dube TradePort
        and Executive Vice president Manufacturing TSAM Nigel Ward.  Corporation is set to develop and   Africa’s largest manufacturing   indirect jobs. 

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