Page 7 - KZN Top Business Awards 2017
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WINNER As Durban is rated as the “event and sea transport resources which
city” of South Africa the airport stretches across the globe. Its huge
KING SHAKA works closely with strategic investment in people sets the
INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT partners including, eekwini, company unparalleled in oering
excellent and exible customer
Convention Bureau, ICC Durban,
N ow in its 7th year of Durban Chamber of Commerce service which is the company’s
ethos – which means having total
and Industry, Tourism KZN,
operation King Shaka
condence in the quality of
Durban Tourism, Dube TradePort,
International Airport has
garnered many accolades over this Trade and Investment KZN and service you will receive.
others to ensure that the airport is
short period. e airport was always ready to welcome tourists, TRANSNET PORT TERMINALS
voted the top Regional Airport for business delegations and
Africa in the Skytrax World conference delegates. ransnet Port Terminals’
Airport Awards in 2013/2014/ . T vision and mission is to be a
2015/2016, and was second in the FINALISTS focused freight transport
2013/2014/2015/2016 ACI for the company, delivering integrated, Colin Naidoo, Communications and Brand Manager, King Shaka International Airport
Best Airport in the Middle MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING ecient, safe, reliable and cost- (KSIA) receiving the Award on behalf of KSIA
East/Africa category. e most COMPANY eective services to promote
exciting award received so far has economic growth in KZN and the anniversary in 2016. world. RBCT celebrated its 40th
been voted by Skytrax for the Best M SC is a world leader in rest of South Africa. Within the anniversary in 2016. is export
Airport Sta in Africa 2017. KSIA global container shipping KZN region, Transnet Port RICHARDS BAY COAL coal terminal has grown into an
was also voted internationally as and a company that Terminals operates terminals in TERMINAL advanced 24-hour operation that
the 10th Most Punctual Airport in prides itself on oering global the ports of Durban and Richards to date has moved over two-billion
ichards Bay Coal Terminal
Bay. Transnet Port Terminals’
the world in its category by OAG service with local knowledge. e terminals celebrated their 40th R is one of the leading coal tons of coal.
Aviation Worldwide. company has access to an Durban (BBC) and Richards Bay export terminals in the
integrated network of road, rail
SHREE PROPERTY HOLDINGS lack Balance Projects, L A Consulting Engineers
Proprietary Limited is a
S hree Property Holdings is a B celebrating its tenth year in in the built environment, which
consulting practice operating
cutting-edge, property
the industry in 2017, has
was established in 2000 under the
specialist, with its nger
rmly on the pulse of industry lived true to its values of name Letsunyane Associates (Pty)
empowerment. A leader and
Ltd. Since inception, the company
trends and developments across innovator in architecture, has grown steadily and established
South and Southern Africa. development planning, a strong foundation in the built
engineering and economic environment. In line with its long
Shree Property Holdings development, Black Balance term growth path, the company's
specialises in developing and Projects is a dynamic and skilled executive implemented the name
leasing AAA-Grade new business enterprise committed to change to LA Consulting
generation industrial warehousing the sustainable social development Engineers with new company Craiglen Naidoo, Pran Shree, Annisha Shree, Pavan Shree and Mayur Shree
in strategically advantageous of people and the critical delivery branding eective from July 2013. male dominated industry. Company founder, Vikash
locations with a property portfolio of infrastructure in South Africa. LA –Life Africa is the concept Moodley has taken Globacon Narsai, established the VNA brand
of more than 800 000 square incorporated to “change lives” as from a SMME into being a large in the year 2000, so giving eect to
metres, largely located in greater e company is geared to the slogan suggests. e company global company oering services his vision of oering exceptionally
Durban. Many of the warehouses oers a wide range of expertise, to both the government and competitive construction project
that have been developed, leased satisfying increasing market with its primary focus on civil private sectors. e company now management and built
and managed are today home to demand for fully integrated, engineering infrastructure, project employs 20 permanent sta and a environment solutions for the
‘blue-chip’ companies, automotive turnkey business solutions, management, and turnkey various number of labourers on benet of communities in both
manufacturers, technology giants, regarded as crucial in the quest for solutions. the dierent sites. urban and rural environments.
logistics providers and food and economic growth in the necessary
beverage specialists. development of South Africa. e GLOBACON PTY LTD VNA VNA's head oce is located in
company has expertise and a skills Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, with the
base that is ideally suited to both
lobacon CC was established
e company’s particular Black Balance Projects skills’ base G 2015 converted to a Pty Ltd. V NA is a 100% South company's geographic footprint
strength lies in the delivery of public and private sector markets. in June 2010 and later in African-owned and encompassing an additional ve
turn-key warehousing and operated black branches and two satellite
logistics solutions, innovatively and the experience of its sta Globacon is 100% Black female empowerment company operations, three of which vest in
customised to meet individual means that the company has owned with a B-BBEE level of 1. positioned at the very forefront of KwaZulu-Natal, whilst its other
client requirements, and in internalised the challenges of its Director Patricia Moodley an ex this country's built environment local oces are located in
optimising space and ow by respective clients and has Nedbank Private Banker decided service infrastructure delivery Gauteng, the Free State and the
drawing on intensive research, developed innovative sustainable to embark on a journey of environment, contributing Western Cape. VNA's Mauritius
international development and solutions suited for their entrepreneurship as she saw a appreciably to the emergence of oce provides the enterprise with
global architectural trends. respective challenges. need for growth of woman into the African continent as the a presence within the international
this challenging and previously world's next economic thrust. market.
WINNER agriculture. e coastal location in Broad-Based Black Economic
KwaZulu-Natal makes logistics a Empowerment (B-BBEE), job
DUBE TRADEPORT cost-eective proposition creation and economic growth in
the Province, KZN Growth Fund
T he Dube TradePort Dube TradePort, a highly (KGFT) was structured as a
unique public-private partnership
competitive business-operating
Corporation is charged with
venture to nance medium to
environment, forms the heart of
the responsibility to develop
the province’s biggest the emerging Durban large private sector projects. is
unique initiative focuses on
aerotropolis. is is the rst
infrastructural project. e
designated Special Economic purpose-built aerotropolis in catalytic investments and
Africa and destined to become a
economic sectors as dictated by its
Zone (SEZ) is home to the premier business and trade hub. mandate and investment policy. In
state-of-the-art King Shaka Dube TradePort is a leading South the past seven years, KGFT has
International Airport and is African investment destination. committed and disbursed almost Kayalethu Ngqaka Chief Operations Ocer and Hamish Erskine CEO Dube TradePort
ideally positioned 30 minutes R1 billion to ten projects in the Special Economic Zone receiving the Government sector Award
from Africa’s busiest cargo port, FINALISTS healthcare, manufacturing, THE KWAZULU-NATAL citizens. e main objective is to
Durban Harbour, and 90 minutes telecommunication and logistics DEPARTMENT OF ARTS AND identify, develop and promote
from Richards Bay Harbour. THE KZN GROWTH FUND sectors and has created over CULTURE artistic talents in the performing
Dube TradePort takes advantage TRUST (KGFT) 14 000 job opportunities. e and non-performing arts sector.
of its prime location as the only investment leads that has the T he KwaZulu-Natal is is achieved by providing
KGFT is further currently
cargo terminal, warehousing, E stablished in 2007 as one of appraising various potential Department of Arts and platforms and creating
facility in Africa combining an
international airport, dedicated
the KwaZulu-Natal
Culture whose vision is to
employment opportunities in all
provincial government’s key
oces, retail, hotels and strategic initiatives to accelerate potential to create a further 20,000 create a prosperous and socially 12 districts in the province.
job opportunities.
cohesion province for all its