Page 10 - KZN Business Sense Vol.2 No.5
P. 10

The KZN Growth Coalition
        held its annual breakfast     “Has been forging a meaningful
        summit on the 6 September     and results-driven partnership
                                      between government and business
2016 at the Southern Sun              in order to both fast track the
Elangeni & Maharani Hotel.            growth of the province,” said
The much anticipated function         MEC for Economic Development,
was well attended by a range of       Tourism and Environmental
representatives from private and      Affairs, Mr Sihle Zikalala.
public entities across the province.
                                      He added, “The key pillar of
The KZN Growth Coalition,             this relationship has always been
together with various chambers partnership. From its inception,
of business, the provincial           the two major partners in the
government, especially the            KZN Growth Coalition, being
Department of Economic Affairs,       government and business, have
Tourism and Environmental             been aware that, while they are     Logie Naidoo and Frances Chisholm (previous U.S.  Melanie Veness (CEO of Pietermaritzburg Chamber of
Affairs, the Department               both critical players in economic   Consul General in Durban)                         Commerce) and Mel Clark (Executive Director Black
of Agriculture and local              development, they play different                                                      Balance Projects)

government, through the KZN           but complimentary roles.”           flagship projects that are            ■■ The Sibaya precinct             	competencies
Economic Council, are currently       Zikalala further commented,         currently being implemented,           In addition, the Clairwood        ■■ Review of the tedious and
working regularly to identify and     “We need to create conducive        and others that with some                                                	 inefficient processes to be
unlock projects that are not only     conditions and indeed intervene,    extra assistance and strategic        Park, Kings Estate, Blythedale     	 followed for the release of land
meaningful to KZN but also to         where necessary, to ensure          intervention, will be up and          Coastal Resort, and Finningley     	 by the Department of
South Africa.                         that business thrives and our       running in the near future.”          Estate should be under             	 Agriculture for development,
                                      economy grows.”                                                           construction early next year       	 compliance with stringent
  Since it establishment in 2000,                                         The following projects are            and the R700m water supply         	 environmental laws, rezoning
the KZN Growth Coalition,               Premier of KwaZulu-Natal and      underway or operational:              system to Richards Bay has been    	 of land and building plan
                                      Co-Chair of the KZN Growth          ■■ Keystone Commercial                commissioned.                      	approvals
                                      Coalition, Willies Mchunu said,     	 Industrial Park at Inchanga and                                        ■■ The rooting out of corruption
                                      “We must reiterate that the         	 the interchange                      The following projects are still  	 in all its many forms
                                      leadership collective of the ANC,   ■■ Mr Price Mega Logistical Hub at    in the planning phase: Suncoast,   ■■ The lack of development
                                      as the ruling party, recognises     	Hammarsdale                          Natal Command Site, Centrum        	incentives
                                      the important role of big business  ■■ Cornubia                           and Exhibition Precinct and
                                      in growing the economy of the                                             require government assistance or    Tembe concluded, “We will
                                      country and the province as a                                             intervention.                      continue to do what we can to
KZN Premier Willies Mchunu and        whole.”                             ■■ The Umhlanga Rocks / Mt.                                              make sure that KZN becomes a
Farouk Ebrahim (KPMG Director)                                            	 Edgecombe upgrading of N2/           Tembe added that a review         model and prosperous province.
                                       Currently a number of flagship     	 M4 Interchange is currently the     of the following matters was       What we ask for in return is
                                      projects are underway, many as      	 largest of its kind in the country  required to promote development    strong leadership, political and
                                      a consequence of partnerships       ■■ Durban Point Development by        projects:                          economic certainty and a return
                                      between the private sector and      	 the Malaysian UEM Sunrise SA        ■■ Financial laws                  to the values of the South Africa
                                      public sectors. Moses Tembe,        ■■ Umhlanga Pearls R3bn               ■■ Labour Act                      post-1994.” n
                                      Co-Chair of the KZN Growth          	development                          ■■ VISA regulations
                                      Coalition, commented, “We           ■■ Multi-billion Oceans development   ■■ Upscaling municipal
                                      in KZN are blessed with many

Lifeline for Communities
The Minister of Trade and
        Industry, Dr Rob Davies        According to Davies, a large       economy of the province.              removal, sewage disposal           by making an invaluable
        and KwaZulu-Natal MEC         variety of industries operating      The Group Chairman of Ithala,        and fire protection. There is      contribution to job creation and
for Economic Development,             from Isithebe contribute                                                  approximately 535 000 m2 of        the country’s economic growth.
Tourism and Environmental             significantly to the economy        Dr Mandla Gantsho says his            Ithala owned industrial property   The diversification of activities
Affairs (EDTEA), Mr Sihle             of the area, providing 15 000       agency, acknowledges with             and approximately 100 000 m2       through industrialisation and
Zikalala launched the first           to 20 000 jobs. These include       appreciation the magnitude of         of privately owned industrial      manufacturing attracts valuable
phase of the Isithebe Industrial      textiles, clothing, weaving         the contribution made by the          property.                          investments in the areas in
Park revitalisation in Mandeni,       and dying, steel fabrication,       department and recognises with                                           which the industrial estates are
KwaZulu-Natal on Tuesday,             furniture manufacturing, plastics,  gratitude the positive impact it       Industrial estates represent the  located. n
4 October 2016.                       polypropylene bags, chemicals,      will make, not only on Isithebe       tools for sustainable development
                                      paper products and packaging,       Industrial Estate but on the
  The R49-million project is          foundry work, white goods,          community, the region and the         Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies at the launch of the Isithebe
part of the Revitalisation of         workshops and engineering, foam     province as a whole.                  Industrial Park revitalisation programme.
Industrial Parks Programme of         manufacturing and conversion,
the Department of Trade and           plastic injection moulding and       Ithala has several industrial
Industry (the dti). Isithebe is       stationery.                         estates under its ownership
one of ten industrial parks that                                          including Isithebe, Ezakheni and
the department has prioritised         Davies adds that the dti has       Madadeni Industrial Estates,
for revitalisation as part of the     recognised that these parks have    which collectively have created
programme.                            the capacity to serve as catalysts  over 40 000 jobs affording up to
                                      for broader economic and            an estimated 300 000 people in
  “The first phase of the             industrial development in their     regional areas a livelihood.
revitalisation includes the security  host regions, mainly townships
infrastructure upgrade, fencing,      and rural areas.                     The 414 hectare Isithebe
street lighting and critical                                              industrial estate located in
electricity requirements, but          MEC Zikalala says the Isithebe     Mandeni and midway between
in the case of Isithebe we have       Industrial Estate is one of the     the ports of Durban and
upgraded the roofs of some of the     biggest in KwaZulu-Natal and        Richards Bay, is a one-stop shop
factories within the industrial       is home to many industries and      providing leasing of property;
park,” says Davies.                   factories that have contributed     property maintenance and
                                      immensely to the growth of the      water, electricity, solid waste

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