Page 16 - KZN Business Sense Vol.2 No.5
P. 16

Nominees announced for KZN Exporter Awards 2016
The partnership between
        the Durban Chamber of                                                                                                                        T/A Microfinish
        Commerce and Industry                                                                                                                        Small

and Transnet Port Terminals                                                                                                                          Hillcrest AIDS Centre Woza Moya,
continues to grow as they                                                                                                                            Saddler Belts & Leathercrafts (Pty)
will again host the 2016 KZN                                                                                                                         Ltd, Africa! Ignite
Exporter of the year awards.
Now in their 16th year, the                                                                                                                          Medium
awards have grown progressively                                                                                                                      Bata South Africa, SBS Water
since their inception in 2000                                                                                                                        Systems (Pty) Ltd

with four additional categories                                                                                                                      Large
being included this year.                                                                                                                            SAPPI Southern Africa,
The competition recognises                                                                                                                           Sumitomo Rubber South Africa
companies in the export                                                                                                                              (Pty) Ltd, Inhep Electronics
business in the province. Their                                                                                                                      Holdings (Pty) Ltd
successes of the past year are
celebrated but this goes beyond
the usual sectors and businesses                                                                                                                     Africa
normally affiliated with the term
‘export’.                                                                                                                                            Pakco, Toyota SA Motors (Pty)
                                                                                                                                                     Ltd, Electronics Eletronics (Pty)

 According to Transnet Port           President of the Durban Chamber Mr Zeph Ndlovu                                                                 Service Provider
Terminals CE, Karl Socikwa,                                                                                                                          Mediterranean Shipping
the awards since their inception      economic activity. It is fitting that  Chamber, the KZN Exporter             The awards are also supported     Company (Pty) Ltd, Saltrans
and TPT’s sponsorship sixteen         during Transport and Maritime          of the Year Awards is an             by other strategic partners such   Logistics, Rohlig Grinrod
years ago have expanded               Month that we recognise these          opportunity for us to celebrate      as the Department of Economic
significantly as far as the scope of  key players. Three of the four new     and encourage exports out of         Development, Tourism and           The new categories are:
industries and businesses that are    categories introduced will look        KZN. The Durban Chamber              Economic Affairs (edtea), Trade    ■■ Manufacturing
participating. “As a key enabler of   to award recipients beyond the         processes thousands of               & Investment KwaZulu-Natal         ■■ Agro Processing
exporters in this country, we play    traditional exporter of tangible       certificates of origin, which are    (TIKZN), Ethekwini Maritime        ■■ Creative Industries
a critical role in ensuring that      products and focus more on             important international trade        Cluster (EMC), Small Enterprise    ■■ Services Sector
South Africa does not only export     recipients exporting soft skills. In   documents attesting that goods       Development Agency (SEDA)
traditional cargo to the world but    pursuit of becoming a growing          are of South African origin.         and the Export Credit Insurance     The winners of the 2016
also in exporting various other       nation we need to think beyond         We have found it encouraging         Corporation (ECIC) to highlight    KZN Exporter of the Year will
services. As the cog that ensures     the traditional boundaries of          that there has been an increase      successful exporters in KwaZulu-   be announced at the Awards
that the wheels of this country’s     exporting because as a country         in the number of certificates        Natal.                             Gala Banquet on 20 October
economy are continuously              we can only grow with the              of origin processed in the last                                         at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli
turning, it only makes sense          increase of net exports,” stated       year. This is testament to the        We are pleased to announce this   International Convention
that we continue to be involved       Socikwa.                               growing manufacturing sector         year’s finalists in the following  Centre.
with an event of this magnitude.                                             and exports from South Africa        categories;
Exporters are key role players         Dumile Cele, CEO Durban               as a result of a favourable                                             For more information, please contact
and drivers for what makes a          Chamber of Commerce &                  foreign exchange rate due to a       Emerging exporter                  Sharmala Pillay, Durban Chamber Events
good economy work. The value          Industry said, “As the Durban          weaker rand.”                        Rocket Works (Pty) Ltd, BBF        Manager, on pillays@durbanchamber.
of the Rand depends on us for                                                                                     Safety Group, Factocode (Pty) Ltd or 031 335 1000.

Workplace HIV/Aids
On 8 September 2016
          the Durban Chamber          drivers of inclusive economic          	outsource                           ■■ To disseminate those to SMEs    zero discrimination and zero
          of Commerce and             growth and development in              ■■ The challenge for NGOs,            The colloquium highlighted        aids related deaths in our
                                      South Africa and around                	 trade unions, bigger                                                  workplaces. n
Industry in partnership with the the world. According to the                 	 companies, and government          programmes and projects in
Durban Chamber Foundation             European Union, micro, small           	 in finding means and               various countries aimed at         If you require more information about
hosted a conference for SMEs          and medium enterprises employ          	 methods to reach out to SMEs       assisting SMEs combat HIV          the Durban Chamber Foundation, please
about ‘’Workplace HIV/Aids’’.         fewer than 250 persons and             ■■ To get the latest cost-effective  and AIDS in the workplace          contact Professor Nceba Gqaleni, Chair
Although many large businesses have an annual turnover not                   	 methodologies for developing       including resource mobilisation    of the Durban Chamber Foundation,
have begun offering HIV/AIDS exceeding 50 million euro, and/                 	 workplace programmes               towards zero new infections,       on

prevention and treatment services or an annual balance sheet total
to employees, the vast majority       not exceeding 43 million euro.
of small and medium sized             Researchers estimate that, in
enterprises (SMEs) have not.          South Africa, SMEs make up
                                      91% of formalised businesses,
 SMEs face constraints reducing       provide employment to about
their demand for services.            60% of the labour force and total
While contributing significantly      economic output accounts for
to the economy, SMEs foster           roughly 34% of GDP.
diversification through their
development of new and                The main constraints for SMEs to
unsaturated sectors of the            deal with the impact of HIV/AIDS
economy. In addition, innovative seem to be
and technology-based small and
medium enterprises can provide        ■■ A lack of time by                   Left to right: Thuthu Mbhele (DCF), Simphiwe Mabhele (ILO), Vani Moodley (DCF), Frances Chisholm (Durban US
a platform for local, regional and    	 management which quite               Consulate), Eva Marumo (KZN Department of Health), Prof Nceba Gqaleni (Chairman DCF), Kwanele Gumbi (DCF),
international growth. Small and       	 often proritises operational         Dr Lucky Ndokweni (DCF) and Dumile Cele (DCF)
Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are         	activities
the bedrock of the economies          ■■ A lack of information on how
of many countries. They have          	 to address the issue
been identified as productive         ■■ Financial constraints to

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