Page 47 - KZN Top Business Women 2024
P. 47

I live by the principle of doing good,

                                                       even when no one is watching.

                                                          The Power of Relationships                       At the Do More Foundation, Iris is especially proud of two
          Partnership Manager,                                                                             flagship  programmes  that  embody  her  commitment  to
          Do More Foundation                              For Iris, her greatest professional achievement is not a single   empowerment and inclusivity. The first is the Township
                                                          project or accolade, but the relationships she has built and   Economy Programme, which supports young women
           ris Naidoo is the partnership manager for the Do More  sustained over the  years. “Forging strong relationships   in business from impoverished communities. “This
           Foundation, a non-profit organisation established by RCL  and keeping them is something I’m incredibly proud of,”   programme helps these women professionalise their
         IFoods. “I have always been passionate about people and  she notes. “Whether it’s with municipalities, government   businesses, grow, employ more people, and most
          connecting with them,” she reflects. “So it felt natural to  bodies, or the non-profit sector, relationships are the   importantly, realise their own value,” she explains. The
          pursue public relations and communication science,” she  backbone of any successful initiative.”  initiative not only empowers individual women but also
          explains. “After my studies, I entered the non-profit sector,                                    strengthens township economies, which Iris describes as
          which aligned perfectly with my desire to connect with   Iris added that she believes that the key to success,   “the lifeblood of our society.”
          people and make a tangible difference.”         whether in the corporate or non-profit world, lies in
                                                          building strong, meaningful  connections. “It’s through   The second programme, Do More Play, focuses on inclusivity
          Growing up in a family dedicated to community work,  these relationships that we can deliver the work we aim   by training disabled youth to make wooden toys for young
          Iris feels her personal and professional lives are deeply  to do in communities,” she explains. “Maintaining these   children’s cognitive development. “This is such an amazing
          intertwined. “Community work is part of who I am,” she  relationships over time has been essential to making a   programme,” Iris says with pride. “It provides disabled youth
          says. Her early experience placed her at a non-profit  long-lasting impact.”                     with an income, but more than that, it gives them a skill
          where she learned the fundamentals of community   However, the challenges of the work can often be   and a sense of purpose. We’ve heard so often from the
          development and the challenges faced by impoverished                                             participants how much this has changed their lives.”
          areas. From there, she transitioned into corporate social   overwhelming, especially when faced with the vast needs
          investment roles, ensuring her focus remained steadfast:   in the communities she serves. “The need in our country   Balancing Work and Life
          making a positive impact wherever she served. “I always   is immense,” Iris admits. “It can be daunting at times, and   Despite her demanding role, Iris ensures she takes time
          believe we should leave a place better than we found   people often ask how I’ve managed to do this for 22   for herself and her family. “When I have time off, I love to
          it, and that’s been my driving force for over 22 years,”   years. But for me, it’s about knowing that every little bit   cook and spend time with my family,” she shares. “Fun and
          Iris adds.                                      counts.” She draws strength from the metaphor of the ‘one
                                                          starfish at a time’ story, reminding herself that even small   family are my two big passions.” As a mother of two, family
          Iris attributes much of her motivation and inspiration  acts of kindness can make a difference. “Yes, the need is   is a constant source of strength and energy for her. “My
          to her faith and family. “My family is my moral compass.  overwhelming, but if we each do our part, even if it’s just   family fuels me, and cooking is one of the ways I relax and
          My faith teaches me to do good, even when no one’s  one act of kindness, we can make an impact.”  connect with them.”
          watching, and that truly drives me forward.” This personal                                       Iris also offers advice to young women entering the non-
          ethos guides her work, where she strives to empower   The inequalities in South Africa, particularly the lack of access   profit or corporate sectors. “Let’s not compete with one
          and inspire others to perform small acts of kindness. Iris   to quality education, are barriers that Iris is determined to   another,” she urges. “It’s easy to fall into competition,
          shares, “I live by the principle of doing good, even when   address. “Poverty creates such stark lines of inequality,” she   especially when recognition and affirmation are limited in
          no one is watching.”                            says. “But we persevere, doing what we can, knowing that   our space. But instead, we should support each other.” She
                                                          even the smallest actions count towards a bigger goal.”
                                                                                                           thinks that there is room for everyone to succeed, a belief
          Consequently, Iris has spent her career focused on
          building brighter futures for young children, specifically   Inspiring Others                    she sums up with a simple yet powerful motto: “There’s
          those aged 0 to 5. “Our goal is to provide these children   Looking ahead, Iris remains focused  on inspiring others   always room for one more at the table.”
          with the best possible start to life through various   to do good, both in their personal lives and through their  Iris’s message is clear: by empowering others, supporting
          initiatives that focus on early childhood development.   organisations. “My goal is to continue motivating people to  one another, and doing small acts of kindness, we can
          These programmes are designed to support vulnerable   look within themselves and ask how they can do more—  all contribute to making the world a better place. “That’s
          children, particularly in underserved communities,   how they can inspire others to do small acts of kindness,”  what I stand for,” she concludes. “Empowering and
          ensuring they have access to the resources and   she says. “If each one of us does one small act, this world will  inspiring people to do good, no matter how small the act
          opportunities they need to thrive.”             be a better place.”                              may seem.”

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