Page 7 - KZN Top Business Women 2024
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I want to show them that no matter where they come from,

                      there are opportunities out there. Mentorship can truly shape lives.

                                                          as a personal assistant, taking every opportunity to learn  taxing. Fortunately, I found strength in my supportive
          Franchise Principal,
          Consult by Momentum Peak Sure                   and by the age of 21, I became a financial planner myself.”  family, friends, and colleagues.” Starting a business in a
                                                                                                           competitive industry wasn’t easy, either. “Navigating the
                                                          Inanda soon discovered her strength in risk management   complexities of the insurance sector, especially in an ‘old
          nanda Bezuidenhout is the franchise principal at Consult   and chose to specialise in short-term insurance. “I’m risk-
          by Momentum Peak Sure, specialising in asset protection   averse,” she explains.  “I prefer to mitigate risks rather   boys’ club,’ when you don’t play golf forced me to focus
         Iand risk management within the short-term insurance   than take them, which led me to asset protection and   on my strengths and what makes my company unique.
          sector.  They  create  tailored  solutions that  help  both   risk management.” Her career took a turn in 2013 when   Building personal connections with clients has been
          individuals and businesses to safeguard their assets.   she  joined  Robsons  Insurance  Brokers.  “My  mentors   crucial to our success.”
                                                          there taught me resilience and integrity within the  Inanda emphasises continuous learning. “Knowledge
          Additionally, the company offers referral models for third-
          party professionals in the insurance industry, making it   business space. They showed me that achieving  is power. To be the best, we need to stay informed
          easier for them to support their clients’ insurance needs.     professional goals while making a meaningful impact in  and continuously improve. Learning comes in many
          She explains, “Our model allows them to ring-fence their   the community is possible.”           forms, through reading, listening, and connecting with
          clients and offer short-term insurance solutions without   Her community involvement is an essential aspect of   professionals in our field. You’re never too old or too young
          the hassle of administrative tasks or complex products.”  her life. Inanda is a member of KZN Women in Business,   to grow.” She also champions empowerment within her
                                                                                                           team. “I believe in giving people opportunities, even if they
                                                          supporting sustainable growth and community projects,
          Reflecting on her achievements, Inanda shared, “Our                                              don’t have formal degrees. My assistant, Samantha, was a
          partnership with Consult is only two years old in October,   as well as the Financial Intermediary Association. “My    stay-at-home mum who joined our team and is now an
          however, we launched our business as a Momentum agency   faith keeps me grounded,” she added, “I actively   indispensable part of our business.”
          on 27 March 2020 — the day lockdown was announced.   participate  in my Seventh-Day Adventist church, and
          Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, we   staying  connected to both my faith and community  Looking ahead, Inanda draws inspiration from her
          managed to grow and assist clients restructure their short-  helps me maintain balance.”         grandmother and mother, who encouraged her to aim for
          term policies enabling them to maintain crucial life and   Inanda’s participation in the cleanup efforts following the   the impossible to achieve the best possible. “I’m content
          investment opportunities.” In just two years, their business   KZN riots reinforced her belief in the power of collaboration.   with what I’ve achieved so far, and committed to giving my
          achieved third place nationally in Momentum’s short-term   “Seeing everyone come together to support each other in   son the best future, but my competitive nature pushes me
          division, and Inanda was honoured with second place in   a time of need was a powerful reminder of the impact we   to aim higher,” she says. “I’m passionate about our industry
          the Top Female Advisory category.               can have when we work together,” she says.       and I want to help communities better understand risk
                                                                                                           management and improve service delivery in our field.”
          Part of a Solution                              This sense of community drives her to inspire the youth.   Ultimately, Inanda’s goal is to be part of a legacy of
                                                          “I want to show them that no matter where they come
          Commenting on her journey, Inanda describes it as one                                            empowerment and education in the insurance industry. “I
          of continuous learning, community support, and self-  from, there are opportunities out there. Mentorship can   want to make a meaningful impact not just by teaching
          awareness. “My dreams have evolved over the years,” she   truly shape lives, and I’m committed to guiding the next   people about proper risk management, but by improving
          says. “As a child, they were one thing, but as an adult, they   generation in business, sports, and life.”  service delivery in our country,” she says. “Our industry
          have changed. I’m always busy and my dreams can change   Inanda’s passion for netball is another way she engages   is known for its challenges, but I believe we can make a
          daily. Right now, my biggest dream is still in progress; I   with her community. Having played for the Natal Action   difference, and I want to be part of that change.”
          want  to help others understand risk  management  and   Netball Mixed Team, she now coaches at a local school,
          make informed decisions.”                       inspiring young people through sport.            For young women following in her footsteps, Inanda offers
                                                                                                           this advice: “Your journey may be rocky and winding, like
          Her career was influenced by her upbringing and her initial   Continuous Learning                the beautiful farming landscapes painted by South African
          experiences in law. “Growing up I wanted to pursue a                                             artist  Portchie.  There  will  be  twists  and  turns,  but never
          career in law. I worked in the debt collection department of  Like many business leaders, Inanda has faced challenges.  give up on your goals. Take the time to understand who
          a local law firm but realised I preferred proactive planning  “Five years ago, I decided to pursue my dream of owning  you are and where your strengths lie, as this knowledge
          and being part of a solution.” This shift led her to financial  my own business,” she recounts. “At the same time, I was  will help you achieve your dreams. The journey may be
          services. “I was fortunate enough to join my father’s team  going through a difficult divorce, which was emotionally  long, but every opportunity to learn and grow is valuable.”

                                                                                                              Inanda BEZUIDENHOUT                   |   5
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