Page 81 - KZN Top Business Women 2024
P. 81

You nurture those relationships that are valuable to you,

                                                   and you draw strength from them.

                                                          to lifelong learning. One of her biggest dreams is to  you build along the way,” she often says. “Don’t take
          Managing Director and Founder,
          Powerpoint Lifestyle                            complete her PhD. “I’m quite the dreamer,” she admits.  them for granted.”
                                                          “I’ve been working on this for some time, and I’m feeling
                                                          the urge to finish it. Not because I’m running out of time,   Personal Reflections and Future Goals
                manda Swana, managing director and founder of
                Powerpoint Lifestyles, reflects on her remarkable   but because commitments keep piling up.” Amanda’s   Amanda’s journey has been one of continuous learning,
         Ajourney from childhood in the Eastern Cape       PhD thesis will expand on her master’s research, exploring   unlearning, and transformation. “It’s not about reaching
          to business leadership, entrepreneurship, and personal   career  development  and  the challenges of  changing   a destination,” she reflects. “I used to think that once I
          growth.                                         careers mid-life. She reflects on individuals who, like a   achieved a certain goal, I would feel fulfilled. But I came to
                                                          medical doctor she once encountered, radically shifted   realise that it’s the journey of becoming that matters.” For
          Born in the Eastern Cape, Amanda recounts the pivotal  careers: “He said to me, ‘I want to be a musician,’ and I   Amanda, becoming is about transforming how she sees
          decision her mother made when Amanda was just eight  realised that many people don’t take that step because   life and being open to the lessons each moment offers.
          years old. “My mother made the hard decision to relocate  they’re paralysed by fear.”            “Who I am today will not be who I am next year, and that’s
          us to KwaZulu-Natal for schooling purposes,” she says.                                           the beauty of it,” she says.
          This move was driven by the belief that the educational   Reflecting on her leadership philosophy, Amanda reveals
          opportunities in the Eastern Cape at that time were not   a deep commitment to serving others. “Business is   Her faith plays a central role in her life. “It’s definitely the
          suitable for the family.                        servanthood; leadership is servanthood,” she asserts. This   mercy  of  God  that  has  brought  me  this  far,”  Amanda
                                                          perspective has shaped how she approaches her role as   admits. She recognises that much of her success has come
          Amanda completed her high school education at Durban  a business leader. “You’re constantly serving, whether it’s   not from following a strict formula but from trusting in
          Academy, located on the Bluff in Durban. She then pursued  a client’s vision or a client’s dream. You’re always in the  her  faith  and  constantly  conversing  with  herself.  “The
          her tertiary studies, obtaining a Bachelor of Social Science  position of pursuing the ability to serve.”  biggest enemy is the mind,” she acknowledges. “We are
          from the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Her academic                                               often our own worst critics, and the first step to success is
          journey did not end there, as she went on to complete   In addition, Amanda’s approach to leadership is not one   believing that you can.”
          her master’s degree at the University of KwaZulu-Natal.   of management but of guidance and vision. “I don’t
          “It was during this time that I also pursued business and   believe in micromanaging people,” she states. Instead,  Looking to the future, Amanda has clear goals both
          entrepreneurship,” Amanda shares.               she focuses on enabling her team to grow and develop  personally and for her business.  Alongside her academic
                                                          within the organisation. “We foster an environment where  ambitions, she is also working on publishing her first book,
          During her high school and university years, Amanda did  team members are gently nudged to do better, whether  which will expand on the research she has conducted
          a lot of promotional work. She was the type of person  through further studies or professional development.”  on  career  development.  From  a  business  perspective,
          who could sell anything—even a simple tea bag—and                                                Powerpoint Lifestyles is looking to expand its operations
          make you believe it was the best tea you’d ever taste. “I   This leadership approach extends to how she engages   across various provinces and diversify its skill offering.
          never thought of myself as a salesperson,” she explains,   with her team. Meetings at Powerpoint Lifestyles are   “We’re testing the market to see where there is potential
          “but if I believed in what I was offering, I wanted you to   not hierarchical; instead, they are opportunities for   for growth,” she says.
          believe in it too.”                             everyone to contribute. “We don’t just report back in
                                                          meetings. It’s about discussion, brainstorming, and  Despite  her  busy schedule, Amanda  still finds  time  to
          After working in promotions, Amanda branched into the  consultation. Everyone adds value, regardless of their  relax. “I love reading, especially at the beach,” she shares.
          beauty industry, becoming a nail technician while still  role,” she explains.                    She also enjoys working out, finding that a gym session
          in university. Eventually, she found a passion for events                                        can do wonders for both her body and mind. “Balance is
          management,  an  area  she  continues  to  work  in  today.   Amanda places a strong emphasis on human relations   key,” she emphasises.
          She  owns  an  events  management  company,  although   and the power of connections in both business and
          she doesn’t consider it work. “That’s where I find rest and   personal life. “There is so much value in human relations,”  In all aspects of her life—whether personal, professional,
          creativity,” she says. “There’s something deeply fulfilling   she  stresses. “You  nurture  those  relationships  that  are  or spiritual—Amanda Swana remains focused on growth,
          about taking a client’s concept, designing it, and seeing it   valuable to you, and you draw strength from them.” In  empowerment, and becoming the best version of herself.
          come to life at the event.”                     her  view,  fostering  these  connections  is  essential  not  Her journey serves as an inspiration to many, particularly
                                                          only in business but also in personal growth. “If you’re  those looking to make bold career changes or pursue their
          Despite her achievements, Amanda remains committed  going into business, you must value the relationships  dreams against the odds.

                                                                                                                     Amanda SWANA                 |   79
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