Page 18 - KZN Business Sense 9.4 - Shadrach Karien (Cover)
P. 18


            Jacquie Bhana, Coach,   could increase productivity by   in lost productivity annually.
              Mentor and Counsellor  as much as 12% (Mental Health   Therefore, mental health is a       MENTAL HEALTH
                                 Foundation, UK)              major business issue.
                       any        Managers play a major role                                                    Fact Sheet
                       people    when it comes to managing the   The case for business to take
               Mspend            mental health and wellbeing of   mental health seriously                Globally                 Mental Health in SA
                the major part of   employees. Yet many managers   Those companies who look     450 MILLION PEOPLE IN THE WORLD SUFFER FROM A  3 rd biggest contributor to the burden of disease
                 their lives and   are not equipped to deal effectively   after employee mental health   MENTAL ILLNESS
                 their time at   with employee mental health in   save more and enjoy an increase   DEPRESSION IS THE LEADING CAUSE OF DISABILITY   7.7% reduction in mental hospital beds across all
                 work. Having a   addition to delivering on their   in productivity have been   NEARLY 1 MILLION PEOPLE COMMIT SUICIDE EVERY YEAR  16.5% of South Africans suffer from common
                 fulfilling job, a   many daily responsibilities. It has   documented. For example a   75% OF PEOPLE IN LOW/MIDDLE INCOME COUNTRIES WILL  mental health problems
                 good manager    been said that half of the managers   study in Japan found that the   NOT GET THE TREATMENT THEY NEED  43.7% of people with HIV/AIDS have a mental
                 and a positive   in South Africa don’t even know   implementation of workplace                                     health condition
   work environment is therefore   how many sick days are due to   measures decreased stress and    Life-time prevalence of   11% of all non-natural death in SA is due to suicide
                                                                                                     Mental Disorders in SA
   important for their mental    employees having depression.    improved employee performance.  Compared with 14 other countries in the WMH Survey,   South Africa is in the bottom 4 of countries for
   health and general wellbeing.    Admittedly, our laws don’t                                         South Africa has the:    providing mental health treatment
   There are times when people feel   require employees to disclose this   A training programme for   2 nd highest for substance abuse disorders (13.3%)  50% of health facilities do not meet quality
                                                                                                  6 th highest for anxiety disorders (15.8%)
   down, stressed or frightened,   information to their managers.    managers in the United Kingdom   7 th highest for mood disorders (9.8%)  standards
                                                              at Heathrow entitled, “Your mind
   tired, make uncharacteristic                               matters”, covered topics such as:           Stigma and burden for Mental Health Patients
   mistakes, feel demotivated,   Types of mental disorders                                      Cant take care of  Separated / Divorced  Lost Friends  Negative Family
   manage their time poorly       Many types of mental        ■   Creating a positive             dependants                               Relationships
   or are short tempered, and    disorders exist, i.e. antisocial     psychological environment       17%            26%           47%          49%
   avoid colleagues – sometimes   personality disorder, eating   ■   How to catch someone before
   this passes. However, these   disorders, post traumatic      they fall
   responses can develop into a   stress, schizophrenia, bipolar,   ■   Helping them to return to work
   mental health problem that can   disorder, etc.  but the most                                Seeking treatment for Mental Health  Resources for Mental Health
   impact daily life. Sometimes a   prevalent are depression and   Studies by Deloitte Insights    29%                       Per 100,000 of the population there are:
   mental health problem develops   anxiety, which has a major   into mental health concluded            20%                         7.5 Nurses
   into something more complex   impact on employee performance   that if it is “Good for our People,           11%                0.4 Social workers
   that may require support and   in the workplace, e.g.      it is Good for Business”.                               9%           0.28 Psychiatrists
   treatment for life.  Sadly over                                                                                                 0.32 Psychologists
   6000 people a year, with long   ■   Affects relationships    Mental health is important for   Healthcare  Alternative  Religious/  Traditional
   term mental health problems,   ■   Work performance        business sustainability as there is   providers  Provider  Advisors  2.8 beds for in-patients
   die by suicide in the United   ■   Capability              a need to build workplaces where   u +/- 6 million South African could suffer from PTSD  u +/- 8000 South Africans commit suicide each year
   Kingdom.  In South Africa 8000                             everyone can thrive, because a   u 82.1% cannot afford private health care  u 50% believe mental health is not a priority
   people die by suicide per year.    ■   Leave days          toxic work environment can be   Research compiled by SADAG – References: DoH, 2012; WHO, 2012, SASH, 2009; MHaPP, 2007; Freeman, 2007; MRC, 2006
   Depression is one of the major   ■   Performance on promotion  corrosive for mental health.
   causes of suicide.
                                  A very important point for   Mental health post-Covid     nature of work is changing and   both one on one sessions in assisting with
    Some everyday stressors can   business to take cognisance of is   Although Covid has made                             mental health issues in the workplace as
   affect mental health – e.g.: work   that 19% of affected employees   mental health a priority,   it is critical for employers to   well as offers information sessions.
   related deadlines, work/business   fear reporting depression because   many companies have been   review their approach to mental
   travel, health, relationships,   of the STIGMA attached to this   implementing interventions   health and to recognise that   For more information
   personal circumstances, and   condition. Companies must start   over the years. There has been   what started off as a sprint has   C: +27 83 386 8343
   could cause thoughts of suicide.    dealing with the stigma around   a staggering increase in covid-  turned into a long and painful   W:
   These issues can affect anybody,   mental health at work.  linked depression and anxiety   marathon, bringing with it new
   and nobody is exempt.                                      and studies have shown this   challenges along the way. 
                                  Another important point to
    But good mental health at    note is the impact of depression   across the globe.
   work and good management go   at work. According to the World   Realising that most people   This article is part one of two articles.
   hand in hand.  Positive mental   Health Organisation, poor   have some levels of anxiety,   Look out for the  second part in the
                                                                                            next edition of Business Sense.
   health could result in a happy   mental health globally costs the   loneliness and isolation and fear
   and productive workforce and   economy a loss of R1 trillion   of job losses is important.  The   Mental health issues is a specific interest
                                                                                            of Jacquie Bhana  and she is available for


   By Michael Gullan, CEO of G&G   business leaders are becoming      deployed for their skills, not    a clear strategy based on a     on outcomes, not just their
   Advocacy                      skills-centric. For example, an      just job descriptions, get results.  clear understanding of your     past credentials and job
                                 employee with excellent strategic   3.  Skills and talent gaps –    business goals overlaid with     history.
                                 skills can be deployed to work on      Focusing on the work    an audit of employee skills,
       or years, job descriptions   client business while also forming                      interests, and values to identify   When you understand the
       have defined how          part of an internal team tasked      employees can accomplish    skills opportunities and gaps.   unique portfolio of skills,
  Forganisations are             with optimizing the overall      based on their skills opens    Implement as follows:    values, preferences, and
   structured. This method worked   business strategy.           possibilities and mitigates                              interests each employee
   well when businesses changed                                  talent gaps as you can harness    ■   Match employees with work,    offers, they are empowered to
   slowly, and employees were     The benefits of a skills-first      your existing resources      teams, or projects that align    contribute with their existing
   considered cogs in the machine.   approach to structuring and      instead of looking for external     with their skills, passions,    skills, develop new skills
   However, smart HR teams       hiring candidates offer the      hires. It also inspires      and preferences.           and move on to projects or
   are focused more on skills,   following benefits:             employees to learn and grow.   ■   Assign work based on adjacent    departments as their growing
   empowering employees to be    1.  Pressure to perform – When    4.  Increased diversity – Hiring      skills allowing them    skills are needed. People are
   agile, autonomous and perform      employees’ skills match       employees for their skills      opportunities to grow.  happiest and productive when
   beyond their duties.             outputs, organisations       rather than their experience    ■   Supplement existing skills    their work aligns with who
    A 2023 survey by Deloitte shows      can increase productivity and       or network facilitates      with extremal hires and    they are, what they care about,
   that less than 20% of business      employee satisfaction.      diversity and a high-      consultants.                and when they are continually
   leaders believe work is best   2.  Agility and flexibility – To       performing workforce.  ■   Implement a targeted eLearning    learning and growing. 
   structured by job description,      survive rapidly changing                               programme to develop skills.
                                                               Like all successful business
   and more HR professionals and      market conditions, employees    initiatives, it must start with   ■   Trust employees to deliver    W:

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