Page 24 - KZN Business Sense 9.4 - Shadrach Karien (Cover)
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                David White, CEO     through direct employment or    companies in South Africa.
                 DRG              from within their own       These organisations provide
                                  businesses.                 essential encouragement and
                                                              support to SMEs entering the
                      MEs,        Although B-BBEE is purely   market, and guidance to small
                      through   voluntary, there is significant   and medium enterprises going
                 Seffective     engagement from larger        through the many challenges
                 encouragement   organisations to align as closely   of internal growth. In South
                and opportunity   as possible in meeting the   Africa, there is little difference in
               from larger      Act’s economic transformation   reporting responsibility of a large
                  organisations   commitments. The procurement   organisation and that of a small
                  and support   element encourages larger     enterprise. Without the internal
                  and guidance   organisations to contribute 3% of   competencies large organisations
                  from business   their net profit after tax (NPAT)   have at their fingertips, smaller
                   mentoring    towards enterprise and supplier   enterprises need to draw guidance
                   companies,   development initiatives. The socio-  and support either from their
                   hold the key   economic element encourages   larger clients, or directly from
                   to South     larger organisations to contribute   capable service suppliers. Failing
   Africa’s growth, development,   1% of their NPAT to social   which, they set themselves up to
   and economic recovery.       upliftment initiatives, where an   face the wrath from authorities   A Professional Approach  deeply the challenges of growing
    It is widely agreed that SMEs   outcome of creating opportunity   for their transgressions.   BusinessFit SA’s approach   the South African SME sector,
   hold the key to South Africa’s   for individuals and small entities to                   through its 5 Stage Quality   and has implemented significant
   economic recovery, and for good   access to the economy is achieved.  Good Corporate Citizens   Assurance Process, and   policy through the B-BBEE Act to
   reason. SMEs create employment   These two elements on the   Larger organisations too    Corrective Action/Sustainability   help drive skills transfer and SME
   in diverse sectors, across all   B-BBEE scorecard help to create   demand compliance adherence   Report is gaining popularity   development and engagement
   functional disciplines, and at all   significant transformation   in their engagement with SMEs.   as a professional approach to   opportunities. Further, business
   skills levels. SMEs contribute   momentum for both formal   Their own B-BBEE scorecard   ensuring enterprise and supplier   mentoring companies like
   significantly to the country’s gross   and informal sector individuals   requires that they engage with   development initiatives result   BusinessFit, ActionCOACH, and
   domestic product (GDP) and their   and SMEs.  They help to lay   properly constituted enterprises,   in the desired outcome of   others, are working closely with
   ongoing success and sustainability   the platform for the transfer of   that meet legislative requirements  more competent and capable   large organisations and their
   create meaningful employment.   skills, and to create opportunity   as stated in the Company’s   entrepreneurs and business   suppliers to help create ongoing
   They are notably helping to reduce   for individuals and SMEs   Act, and are regarded as good   leaders. The approach assists in   successful and sustainable supplier
   some of the extreme economic   to enter the economy and    corporate citizens. If an engaged   ensuring enterprises have robust   relationships – to result in the
   inequality we experience in South   contribute towards South   enterprise for example does   functional frameworks. These   growth and development of the
   Africa.  Larger organisations   Africa’s growth, advancement,   not have a B-BBEE scorecard   include:                 South African SME sector and
   providing support through skills   and economic recovery.    or affidavit, then the engaging   ■   Clearly structured and    overall economy.  These actions are
   transfer and engagement are                                organisation will not be able to     implemented business strategies  resulting in:
   catalysts in creating opportunity   The B-BBEE Act, and in   allocate B-BBEE points on their                           ■   Transfer of essential business
   for SMEs to succeed.         particular the procurement and   own scorecard. There are also   ■   Defined measurements and      and financial skills
                                socio-economic development                                    outcome intentions          ■   Creation of employment
   Procurement and Socio-       elements, create significant means   other areas of strict compliance,   ■   Engaged staff members who    ■   Giving more people access to
                                                              where joint and several liability is
   Economic Development         for SMEs to receive support and   apportioned to both the company     understand the needs of the
                                funding.  Anyone who has started                              business, and how they        the economy
    The procurement and socio-                                and service supplier where      personally contribute towards    ■   Narrowing income differential
   economic development elements   a business themselves, or has   compliance is not evident.     the enterprise’s success and    ■   Growing the country’s GDP
                                grown an enterprise to the next
   within the South African                                                                   sustainability
                                                                                                                             Building a vibrant and inclusive
   Broad-Based Black Economic   level, knows well that funding   SMEs, therefore, as starting                             ■   economy
                                is not the only requirement in
   Empowerment Act (B-BBEE)                                   points on their journey toward   ■   High quality assurance and
   are focused specifically on   their enterprise’s advancement   success and sustainability, need to     quality controls in their    The success formula being
                                forward. They know that they
   supporting skills transfer and                             ensure that they:               enterprise’s production and    the combination of public
   creating opportunity for SMEs   need to understand the internal   ■   Meet governance and      service delivery        sector transformation policy,
   and individuals within two   requirements of their business,     sustainability objectives   Large organisations like Standard  private sector commitment
   broad categories.            as well as be able to interpret and   ■   Are productive meeting both    Bank understand that their   and engagement through large
                                adapt to the changing economy
   ■   The procurement element    and its many challenging      financial and operational    contribution to transformation in   organisations, business mentoring
     encourages larger organisations    economic influences.                                South Africa rests in their ability   companies, and SME leaders,
     to procure at least 30% of their                         ■   Meet compliance and legitimacy   to uplift the SME community,   wishing to be given an opportunity
     goods and services from SMEs    Ecosystem Support          requirements                and as such have teamed up with   to bring their innovations,
     whose enterprise revenue is less    Unlike larger organisations,   ■   Manage internal and external    enterprises like BusinessFit SA   passions, and excellence into the
     than R 50 million per year.  This    SMEs seldom have access to     risk adequately    and DRG in providing business   formal and informal sectors of the
     is broken down as follows:  internal resources to help them   ■   Have ethical and effective    sustainability conferences within   South African economy. 
    –   15% from SMEs with a total    interpret influencing market     leadership and an engaged    KwaZulu-Natal.
      annual revenue of up to R10    conditions, or to create a local     enterprise culture  The Open Business Council,   For more information contact DRG
      million; and              and international digital presence   Enterprise and supplier   which also recognises their   Outsourcing, DRG Siyaya, and
                                                                                                                          BusinessFit SA
    –   15% from SMEs with an    for their unique service offering.    development, a subsection of   unique ability to contribute
      annual revenue of between    Hence the need for ecosystem   the procurement element on the   to SME development in South   Contact David White,
      R10 million and           support to help SMEs draw in   B-BBEE scorecard, when used   Africa, recently partnered with   T: +27 (0)31 767 0625
    –   R 50 million.           essential knowledge, gain business   effectively, provides support   BusinessFit SA. The aim was to   E:
                                process understanding, and ensure                           support SMEs in creating effective   W:
   ■   The socio-economic       adequate integrated reporting   and opportunity for larger   digital footprints; to assist in
     development element        systems and policies that maintain   organisations to generate the   ensuring that they have the means
     encourages larger organisations   their ongoing high-quality   confidence they need when   to be represented professionally in
   |  to support initiatives where the    reporting and service delivery, to   engaging with SMEs. Business   local and international markets.
     outcome of their contributions    support the enterprise’s growth   mentoring companies often
     results in the beneficiaries    and long-term sustainability.   work side by side with larger   The Success Formula
     developing skills and receiving                          organisations to upskill and help   The South African Department of
     opportunity that ultimately    There are many wonderful   develop competent and sustainable   Trade and Industry has considered
     give them access to the economy    value adding business mentoring   service providers.

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